The L5R Story

One of the best parts of the Legend of the Five Rings Living Card Game is the story that goes along with it, but it can be a little intimidating at the start.
We recommend you start with this short primer on the background.
Legend of the Five Rings – An Introduction to the Background for New Players
Short Stories
Next, you have a ton of fun short stories to work through. Some of these were released on the FFG website, others were included in packs. Maffster on the FFG Forums has done a great job of preparing the stories from the pack in a pdf form.
The Core Set Fiction
- The Great Clans
- An Empire In Turmoil
- A Season Of War
- Her Fathers Daughter
- The Price Of War
- The Rising Wave
- Dark Hands Of Heaven
- Risen From The Flames
- Curved Blades
- Smokeless Fire
- The World, A Stage
Winter Court 2017 Fiction
- A Most Suitable Teacher
- In the Garden of Lies (Part 1)
- In the Garden of Lies (Part 2)
- To The South (Part 1)
- To The South (Part 2)
- The Fate of Flames
Halloween 2017 Fiction
The Imperial Cycle
- The Fires of Justice
- The Stories We Tell
- Blind Ambition
- Service and Sacrifice
- A Difference Of Lanterns
- Family Duty
- Beneath, Below, Beyond
- Court Games
- Flying Chariot, Standing
- Honor, Loyalty, Duty
- The Bright Flame of the World’s Glory
- Wildcats And Dragon Teeth
- Fireflies
- The Spectres of War
- Phoenix Novella – The Sword And The Spirits – Chapters
- Repentance Does Not Come First
- Phoenix Novella – The Sword And The Spirits – Epilogue
- Repentance Does Not Come First
The Elemental Cycle
- A Crane Takes Flight
- Gaze Into Darkness
- Kurosunai Village
- Awakened
- Outsiders
- Dreams of Shadow
- Heart of the Garden
- Snow And Sun
- Between the Lines
- A Swift End
- Tiger Stalks His Prey
- A Simple Test
- Scorpion Novella – Whispers of Shadow and Steel
Winter Court 2018
- A Call to Stewardship – Unicorn Clan Letter
- A Call to Leadership – Lion Clan Letter
- A Call to Witness – Dragon Clan Letter
- A Call for Diplomacy – Crane Clan Letter
- A Call for Unity – Phoenix Clan Letter
- A Call to Investigate – Crab Clan Letter
- A Call to Duty – Scorpion Clan Letter
Halloween 2018 Fiction
Kunshu Season Kotei
Children of the Empire
- Like Seeds on the Wind
- Rule from horseback
- Unicorn Novella – Across the Burning Sands
- Tactical Maneuvers
Kotei Letters 2019
- Letter from Hida Kisada
- Letter from Ikoma Ujiaki
- Letter from Kakita Yoshi
- Letter from Shiba Tsukune
- Letter from Kitsuki Yaruma
- Letter from Shinjo Altansarnai
- Letter from Bayushi Kachiko
The Inheritance Cycle
- The Last Stone Played
- Falling Stars
- By the Stroke of a Brush
- Red Petals Scatter
- Two Swords Fall from Heaven
- Black and White
- Behind the Empty Throne
The Clan Wars
Roar of the Lioness- Wind Through Falling Leaves
- The Price of Failure
- The Cornered Lion (Part 1)
- A Game of Promises
- The Cornered Lion (Part 2)
- A Bloody Harvest
- Dragon Novella – The Eternal Knot
- Pine and Cherry Blossom
Halloween 2019 Fiction
The Dominion Cycle
- We Strike First
- Beyond Reach
- What the Eye Cannot See
- A Night Storm Rages
- Cold Autumn Harvests
- Hidden Markings – UK Game Expo player choice
- The Art of Matchmaking
- How the World Ought to Work
- Caged Birds
- Violence Behind Courtliness
- Truth and Lies
- Courtly Nets and Hidden Snares
- The Sea and the Sun’s Shadow
- Heart of the Mountain
- Missive from the Front – Lion Clan Letter
- Missive from the Front – Unicorn Clan Letter
- Missive from the Front – Scorpion Clan Letter
- A Discerning Eye and an Unyielding Resolve
- Beneath the Light of Jade
- The Last Leaf Falls
- When the Wave Strikes the Shore
Halloween 2020
The Temptations Cycle
- Questionable Shelter
- An Impossible Task – Interactive fiction
- The Yogo Curse, Part 1
- The Yogo Curse, Part 2
- The Careful Gardener
- A Worthy Opponent
- The Villain’s Mask
- Collapse
Heroes of Legend
The Battle of Cherry Blossom Snow
- The Battle of Cherry Blossom Snow 1
- The Battle of Cherry Blossom Snow 2
- The Battle of Cherry Blossom Snow 3
- The Battle of Cherry Blossom Snow 4
- The Battle of Cherry Blossom Snow 5
- The Battle of Cherry Blossom Snow Epilogue
Aconyte Books

The stories continue with this fantastic line of books by Aconyte Books. Even as the FFG LCG is slowing down, Aconyte are ramping up with 3 full novels already in print and a 4th already announced. They’ve managed to get well established authors with dozens of books under their belts to write fiction in set in Rokugan.
The Roleplaying Game
If you’ve got this far you’re up to date on the story. You can discover more info on the background with the Roleplaying game. This is backed full of lore and info. Check out the Edge Studio website for more info.

The Last Province Podcast
For even deeper discussion on the background we recommend checking out the Last Province Podcast where they go into great detail with hours long discussion focused on such topics as Shugenja, Swords, Ninja, and Roads.
The Facebook Group
If you’d like to reach out to other fans about the game consider checking the L5R RPG Facebook Group.
If you have any comments or feedback please post them in the comments section below. Check us out on the Imperial Advisor website, podcast, and YouTube channel for more discussion about the L5R LCG.