The Art of Practice

In the next of his Series, Alex Jacobs takes us through the process of moving from novice to expert; practice, practice, practice.
…In the next of his Series, Alex Jacobs takes us through the process of moving from novice to expert; practice, practice, practice.
…Another month of lockdown means another London Legion Online tournament! This month pack 3 is legal, adding to the excitement. Pack 3 was a very spicey pack, so this should be an interesting event.
…The Spanish players continue their regular events with this 21 player tournament using pack 3. This is our first look at the environment in action, and Lost Papers are everywhere!
…Fantasy Flight are being very kind to us, and even though we can’t yet get the pack, they’ve announced the contents so we can keep excited about the game. And this pack certainly delivers with some super spicy cards.
…The second pack in the Dominion cycle had a limited release before lockdown, but we’ve had a number of online tournaments where we could see the cards in action.
…Today, thanks to FFG, we have a preview from the upcoming pack Pursuit of Truth. See below for some hot takes.
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