Tag: Dragon Clan

Dragon Strategy – Fist of Fury

Dragon Strategy – Fist of Fury

The elemental cycle has been a big one for the Dragon. The Monk theme is a core aspect of the Dragon Clan that many wanted to explore, but up until now, the deck hasn’t been viable. Additions like Togashi Mitsu, Hurricane Punch, and Void Fist have most certainly changed that. The Monk trait is now a key element in Dragon’s most competitive deck. Dragon players can now live the dream of Kung-Fu fighting their way through tournaments. But what is that deck going to look like?

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Dragon Strategy – End of Imperial

Dragon Strategy – End of Imperial

Dragon have been a bit of an enigma for the player base, capable of some extremely strong plays they are often placed along with Crab and Scorpion in the top tier of competitive play. In a recent article, Dragon were rating as having the best dynasty and provinces in the game with overall ratings in excess of Crab and just below Scorpion. And yet, results show otherwise.

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The Imperial Gauntlet — Decks to Test Against

The Imperial Gauntlet — Decks to Test Against

Top players prepping for a tournament will put together a range of the decks they expect to face and play their chosen deck against this ‘gauntlet’. The first difficulty with this is picking out the right decks, hopefully, I’ve done a decent job below but any suggestions are welcome. Different environments have different playstyles and sometimes a deck that will do well in one area will underperform in another. At the most basic, does your environment typically bid high or low during the draw phase? Just that simple norm can shift which decks come out on top. This might mean you need to shift your playstyle to get the best out of each deck. The hard part then is getting the games in. Practice, practice, practice.

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The Imperial Environment

The Imperial Environment

The first Imperial tournament is going to be at PAX south on January 12th followed by Cork on 27th January. So far, we have only the faintest idea of where the clans stand relative to each other as the Imperial cycle added 120 cards to the small starting card pool. At the end of January, we will have a pretty good idea, but that’s no good for us now. This Christmas, Imperial Advisor is giving you the gift of rampant and wild speculation. We’ve had limited testing and nothing to back it all up with. I’ve included win rates based on the results from the Lotus Pavilion tournament website. As tournaments, you’d hope that it would be a little more accurate, but that could still have a lot of noise. With that aside, we present, the Imperial cycle tier list.

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