Month: May 2018

Defensive Dishonor Theory

Defensive Dishonor Theory

The Scorpion clan are having a stellar Kotei season, with a significant portion of their success due to Fro Top’s excellent switch deck focused on Conflict Characters and card draw. In this article, I’m going to talk about a different style of deck, one that focuses on a control and denial strategy. This strategy forces both players to draw fewer cards and thus starves more aggressive decks of the fuel they require to close out the game. A deck based on this theory saw great success at Gencon and Worlds, making top of clan for both events.

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Meta Check – San Francisco

Meta Check – San Francisco

Golden Gate Bridge Bay San Francisco California

This is one of two events happening this weekend. At last, the Kotei season is kicking off in America and we have a chance to see what the meta is currently like over there. These will be the last two events before the restricted list, so it’ll be our last chance to judge the post-disciples pre-restricted list environment.

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Meta Check – Atlanta

Meta Check – Atlanta

Downtown Atlanta skyline at dusk

This is one of two events happening this weekend. At last, the Kotei season is kicking off in America and we have a chance to see what the meta is currently like over there. These will be the last two events before the restricted list, so it’ll be our last chance to judge the post-disciples pre-restricted list environment.

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Adjusting the Environment

Adjusting the Environment

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Restricted List

This week FFG released a new restricted list for L5R. The day before I had just finished my first draft of this article which concluded FFG weren’t going to release one and didn’t need to anyway. I present it today with a minor addendum discussing the changes they did make.

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Meta Check – Düsseldorf Kotei

Meta Check – Düsseldorf Kotei

Welcome to the new environment! This is the first big tournament with the Disciples of the Void Phoenix clan pack legal. While this did have a few minor changes for most clans it was a big change for the Phoenix. The common opinion is that Phoenix are now a top clan along with Scorpion and Dragon. Düsseldorf is where we get to see it in action.

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Meta Check – Warsaw Kotei

Meta Check – Warsaw Kotei

Okay, I’m a little late on this. We didn’t have a stream, the tournament was under 100 people, and it was the last tournament in the pre-disciples tournament. I’ve also yet to see decklists for it. So I didn’t think it was that important.

After discussing with some of the players at Düsseldorf however, I’m going back to make sure I have the info for Warsaw. The reason is: Poland is dominating Europe right now. Out of the 5 major events Madrid, Cork, Paris, Warsaw, and Düsseldorf; Polish players have come second at Cork, won Paris, won Warsaw, and won Düsseldorf. So maybe we should go back to see what happened in Warsaw.

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