L5R Books on Audible

Despite FFG no longer supporting the LCG, Aconyte are delivering book after book! Lately, they’ve also been appearing in audiobook, so this is a great time to catch up!
…Despite FFG no longer supporting the LCG, Aconyte are delivering book after book! Lately, they’ve also been appearing in audiobook, so this is a great time to catch up!
…The player team over at https://www.jadecourt.org/ have put a lot of work into developing a banned and restricted list that would give the best possible player experience. Currently, this is the way I would recommend playing.
…In the last article I talked about some of the design decisions we’re seeing in the game and how I disagree with some of them. I ended by suggesting that player-run tournaments could introduce their own formats with deck construction limitations and minor game changes. I didn’t really go into any details, I just vaguely hand-waved as if it was easy. Obviously, it is not easy. So here are some possible suggestions on groups of cards that could be banned.
…This is article started as a review of the Dominion cycle, but turned into a general critic of what seems to be the current design ethos of the game and ends with a proposal on how players could take control and improve the game themselves.
…Next up in the Aconyte book line for L5R is Poison River, a detective novel by Josh Reynolds. In Rokugan however, it’s not as simple as putting together the clues and pointing at the bad guy. Our protagonist, Daidoji Shin, has to navigate the intrigues of the City of the Rich Frog if he wants justice.
…We’re delighted to be the first to show the cover for Marie Brennan’s upcoming The Night Parade of a Hundred Demons, an upcoming L5R novel from Aconyte Books. Marie was also generous enough with her time to answer a few questions, so we have a fantastic interview below!
…Thanks to FFG we have another preview today, and this one actually highlights a whole new theme and deck concept for the Phoenix clan!