Understanding Provinces

Understanding Provinces

There are a total of 17 provinces in the game. One for each clan, and 2 neutral provinces for each elemental ring. Each game you are going to be attacking into these provinces, hopefully seeing the fourth province of your opponent as you finally crush their stronghold. Normally, your opponent will have one of each element. If your opponent is using one of the seeker roles, you can expect them to have two of that particular province. Understanding the provinces your opponent might have helps you prepare for what they do have.

The provinces fall loosely into 4 categories: those that have an action, those that have a reaction to being revealed, those that have a reaction to breaking, and those that have a flat affect. The cards that have reactions to being revealed tend to have a powerful effect, but once used they are effectively blank for future attacks. The cards with actions can be used again the next turn, but if they are attacked twice in the same the action turn can only be used once. The cards with reactions to being destroyed are all clan specific and are focused on the progression of the game rather than that one conflict. Thes provinces, for the Lion, Crane, and Unicorn will never be under the stronghold. The last set of cards, those with flat effects such as Entrenched Position, Ancestral Lands, and Pilgrimage will always be active, but can be worked around after the initial surprise is gone.

Air Provinces

The neutral air provinces are abstract, the choice is between drawing a card or gaining a fate. Each province opportunities for defense and are always reliable regardless of the circumstances.

  • Manicured Gardens. PS4. Action: During a conflict at this province — gain 1 fate.
  • Fertile Fields. PS4. During a conflict at this province — Draw a card.
  • Crane The Art of Peace. PS4. When this province breaks — dishonor attackers and honor defenders.
  • Scorpion Secret Cache PS4. When an attack is declared against it, look at the top 5 cards and add one card.


The two neutral earth provinces are tough at 5 strength and even tougher when in the right type of conflict giving an extra +5 province strength. A single one can be selected to strengthen against a specific opponent or a conflict type your deck struggles to defend with.


The Water provinces are flexible. They can change the aspects of either the ring or the relevant skill type for the conflict.


The neutral fire provinces destroy their opponent’s resources. They either removing fate from a character or remove cards reducing the opponent’s options and turning their plans to ash.


The neutral void provinces are focused on nothing. Pilgrimage stops a ring from firing if the province is not broken, while Shame Displays ability maintains balance by honoring one character and dishonoring another.

  • Pilgrimage. PS5. The ring doesn’t trigger if the province is not broken.
  • Shameful Display. PS3. Target two characters, honor one dishonor the other.
  • Phoenix Kuroi Mori. PS3. Action: Switch conflict or element type.

If you have any comments or feedback please post them in the comments section below.

Join us on our Twitch stream on Monday the 31st July at 8pm BST, 9pm CEST, 1pm PST. We will be talking about our experiences with the Phoenix. As always we will be answering any questions from those who make the stream.

Check us out on the Imperial Advisor website, podcast, and YouTube channel for more discussion about the L5R LCG.


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