Updates from Worlds 2017
The World Championships have started at FFG today 1st November. Information is starting to filter back to us. As we get new information in we’re going to keep updating this post so check back for updates! If you see something and that we haven’t added it to the post, comment below!
Jump to Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Jump to the End.
Day 1 Qualifiers
@FFGOP just posted the breakdown for the day 1 (1Z) qualifiers, not what we were expecting!
Phoenix and Crab Clans are popular today! #L5RLCGpic.twitter.com/sBmuGjNcCZ
— FFG Organized Play (@FFGOP) November 1, 2017
Competitors will need to win at least 4 games out of the 6 in this qualifier, assuming only 1 is a modified 1. Any who make the cut, which is 34 points (10 for a win, 6 for a modified win, 1 for a concession, 0 for a loss). Day Z is the first day of qualifiers. This is the day that was added so there are no Hatamoto in this list. We believe there are around 50 in this day with laters days having 150 each. Based on those numbers there are around 7 Crane, 6 Dragon, 5 Lion, 11 Phoenix, 7 Scorpion, 3 Unicorn, and 10 Crab.
Make sure to check out Twitch
Episode 11 out now! Special Guest Joe Habes talks Crab shop with the crew. #L5R#L5RLCGhttps://t.co/5jNesdrAwh
— Winter Court Podcast (@wintercourtcast) November 1, 2017
Some recorded games are available on the Twitch archive now for those who missed them on the day.
Day 2 Qualifiers
Our first update from day 2 (1A) qualifiers is in with a faction breakdown from @FFGOP We believe there are 129 people in this qualifier: 29 Dragon, 25 Scorpion, 23 Lion, 21 Crane, 13 Crab, 10 Phoenix, and 5 Unicorn.
Don’t be fooled by this ranking! There is a decent drop between 5th and 6th. #FFGWorlds #L5RLCG pic.twitter.com/EEbvh5coSG
— FFG Organized Play (@FFGOP) November 2, 2017
Click to zoom in
Click to zoom in
The cut for Saturday is 34 points again. This means 42 people are going through. Thanks to CrowOfGames for sharing these on Discord. Current numbers for 6-0, 5-1, and 4-0s from both days are as follows Really good numbers for Scorpion, Crane, and Dragon. This count is taken from an interesting article by Khift on the FFG forum talking about the cut to Saturday and how the 4-2 players have no chance to make the top 16. It does look like the 4-2 players are only playing for prizes and the chance to be the top of clan outside the top 16.
Day 3 Qualifiers
Total participation so far from the previous days has been: 35 Dragon, 32 Scorpion, 28 Crane, 28 Lion, 21 Phoenix, 23 Crab, 8 Unicorn. This gives qualification rates of: 34% Dragon, 47% Scorpion, 46% Crane, 29% Lion, 19% Phoenix, 35% Crab, 13% Unicorn. So it looks like Scorpion and Crane are the way the best way to qualify. Khift noted the difficulty for a 4-2 to make top 16, so let’s limit that to a 5-1 cut instead. This gives 5-1 or better rates of: 14% Dragon, 13% Scorpion, 14% Crane, 4% Lion, 5% Phoenix, 17% Crab, 13% Unicorn. That shifts things slightly, now we can see Dragon up on the same level as Scorpion and Crane, surprisingly Crab have jumped ahead. Round 3 is about to start, typically we get standings at the end of round 4. We do have clan percentages!
Battle rages in Rokugan! Check out the spread of clans at Day 1B of #L5RLCG here at #FFGWorlds. pic.twitter.com/QY2909jVZ6
— FFG Organized Play (@FFGOP) November 3, 2017
This gives total participation numbers of 317 total players
- 60 Dragon 19%
- 56 Scorpion 18%
- 53 Lion 17%
- 52 Crane 16%
- 42 Crab 13%
- 36 Phoenix 11%
- 18 Unicorn 6%
A new update. Splashes for today! If you include the 18% of Dragon players, that means 58% of players are playing Dragon cards.
Check out who’s helping their Rokugani allies for Day 1B! Boy, those Dragon Clan sure are a friendly bunch.#L5RLCG #FFGWorlds pic.twitter.com/qzzbWKHIkk
— FFG Organized Play (@FFGOP) November 3, 2017
Standings at end of Round 4
Thanks to CrowOfGames for sharing these on Discord. Standings at end of Round 5
Standings at end of Round 6 Remember the cut is 34 points.
Click to zoom in
Click to zoom in
It looks like 147 players for today.
L5R is going great! #L5RLCG pic.twitter.com/jjjliOxAQo
— Brad Andres (@DarbimusPrime) November 3, 2017
Tune in tomorrow for FFG streaming and the finals!
Day 4 – The final day!
Khift on the Discord channel has done another great job crunching the numbers to see where things are at.
Kitsuki Khift:
As mentioned before the 4-2 slots really don’t have a shot at top 16.
Kitsuki Khift:
Khift also went to the trouble of compiling the full list of qualifiers in point order.
Click the image to see the full list
Today FFG will be streaming L5R https://go.twitch.tv/ffglive
It starts at 09:30 CST which is 14:30 GMT.
- 9:30am Opening Ceremonies
- 10:00am – 12:40pm Elimination Rounds
- 2:30 – 8:10pm Top 32 through Top 4 Rounds
- 9:00pm Final Match
Stream is up, today we have Derek Shuck and Lukas Buechs commentating Dragon Spoiler from the Stream
New spoiler from the last game streamed
That was the last of the single elimination rounds, hopefully we will see standings soon! Some info from the FFGOP twitter
We’re live with Day 2 of #L5RLCG on our #FFGWorlds stream! The honorable Crane have the most support at this point.https://t.co/BSHufVLf1i pic.twitter.com/e7iwDC6eF5
— FFG Organized Play (@FFGOP) November 4, 2017
Fun Fact: A full 83% of players at #L5RLCG#FFGWorlds Day 2 have Shameful Display amongst their provinces. What provinces do you use? pic.twitter.com/rtgNDEgHEa
— FFG Organized Play (@FFGOP) November 4, 2017
Standings before the final cut.
Let’s look at the numbers 4 Dragon, 4 Scorp, 3 Lion, 3 Crane, 2 Phoenix, 0 Crab or Unicorn in top 16. Then 1 of each clan gets to challenge the bottom of the top 16. So we know top 8 includes 2 Crane, 1 Dragon, 2 Lion, 4 Scorpion. Another update from Khift (that man is a machine). This isn’t confirmed yet so take it with a pinch of salt.
[Cutting the previous chart as due to the dropped players it was inaccurate]
There is also a rumor that Dave Hoyland who is the Crab challenger is dropping for Netrunner. Unknown yet if the next Crab will get the opportunity to play instead. Currently, we have a challenging game with Brad Andres. He has been playing cards not yet released. The first one was Bayushi Yojiro a 3 cost 3/1 magistrate, while he is in the conflict honored and dishonored status tokens don’t count, presumably for conflict resolution. We also have rumors that Scorpion player Philipp Rover has dropped for Netrunner also. This will make a mess of the pairings above so hang tight for an update.
The first match of the Top 23 will begin in a half hour. The big question: can Unicorn and Crab survive the cut? #L5RLCG #FFGWorlds pic.twitter.com/CYa8a6beB7
— FFG Organized Play (@FFGOP) November 4, 2017
Looks like they did let a new Crab challenger in after the previous one dropped. Updated pairings from Khift We know from the stream that Kyle Wislocky playing Crane defeated the Lion challenger Ryan Young. They also previewed a Crane card on stream.
FFG did share the challenges pairings.
Top 16 games start at 16:00 Central time, 21:00 GMT Incoming updates. Travis McDaniel (Phoenix) beat Kevin Austin (Dragon). Nicholas Soto (Phoenix) beat Max Williams (Crane). Matthew Beck (Phoenix) beat Brandon Zimmer (Unicorn). Gabriel Caban (Dragon) beat Stephen Didion (Crab), John Urbanek (Crane) beat Grant Huddleston (Dragon), Joshua Johnson (Scorpion) beat Kyle James (Dragon). Apparently Brandon Zimmer, the last Unicorn, lost by 1 tiebreaker point just like his last elimination game. Given the state Unicorn are in, he has raced against the tide to get where he did and managed an unbelievable performance! Moving on are 3 Phoenix, 1 Dragon, 2 Crane, 1 Scorpion. They get added to the 3 Lion, 2 Crane, 3 Scorpion, and 1 Dragon So a total of 3 Phoenix, 3 Lion, 2 Dragon, 4 Crane, and 4 Scorpion.
Top 16 round is go! Reports from the games. Mark Armitage (Scorpion) beat Matthew Beck (Phoenix), John Urbanek (Crane) beat Timothy Wells (Lion). Jeremy Campshure (Crane) beat Nicholas Soto. Gabriel Caban (Dragon) beat Johnny Shen (Scorpion), Romain Foucault (Crane) beats Kyle Wislocky (Crane). Lion preview from the live stream
Full results up, top 8 below.
Reports coming in. John Urbanek (Crane) beat Brad Emon (Scorpion), Mark Armitage (Scorpion) beat Gabrial Caban (Dragon). Top 4 confirmed.
It’s still any clan’s game! #L5RLCG #FFGWorlds pic.twitter.com/qn9gZZsJjC
— FFG Organized Play (@FFGOP) November 4, 2017
Results in! The final will be Samuel Benies (Lion) versus John Urbanek (Crane).
Crane vs. Lion in the final match. Tune in to the stream at https://t.co/y0GnBapqsF when we go live at 8:30pm CDT! #L5RLCG #FFGWorlds pic.twitter.com/wi7HXAudw3
— FFG Organized Play (@FFGOP) November 5, 2017
Lion Wins! Samuel Benies is the first Shogun!
He picked Justice.
Congratulations to Samuel Benies, first World Champion (and Shogun) of #L5RLCG! Victory goes to the Lion Clan at #FFGWorlds! pic.twitter.com/AUeTmRdsiD
— Fantasy Flight Games (@FFGames) November 5, 2017
Selected Roles in order of selection
- Lion: Keeper of Fire
- Crane: Seeker of Air
- Dragon: Seeker of Fire
- Scorpion: Seeker of Void
- Phoenix: Keeper of Water
- Unicorn: Keeper of Void
- Crab: Keeper of Earth
Here ends the coverage from us at Imperial Advisor. Hope it was some use for people.
We will be looking at decklists and talking about the environment at worlds as the players begin to spill the beans. There are also a lot of new cards due to come out and we’ll have both pack reviews and summary clan articles at the end.
12 Replies to “Updates from Worlds 2017”
Thanks for the reporting. Please keep it up!
I want some decklists from the top 8 at the end of day 1!
Thank you for the news! keep going!
Awesome content! Keep it this way!
Thanks from Spain.
In day 1A, Crane had 33% of decks hit 40 or more points, Crab had about 23%, and Unicorn had 20% (1 of 5). The most popular decks did not do as well. Dragon only had 4 decks of 29 get at least 40 points, but two of the four undefeated decks are Dragons. Intersting mix so far! Nothing seems too strong or too weak, except Unicorn which does appear to be struggling both in turnout and performance.
Awesome way of looking at it. I’ve added similar %s to the start of Day 3. Interesting results.
Great work. Not just this article, but whole site.
Nice report. Thanks
Loving this coverage and the overall awesomeness of Imperial Advisor.
Thanks to Baz and the contributors
Great coverage! Was hard for me to find info on this elsewhere, for some reason. Consider your site bookmarked!
Great job with the reporting. Thank you.
I’m American now? Thanks FFG OP Twitter account!