Seekers of Wisdom – Dragon Pack Review

For this pack review, we have some of the top Dragon players giving their thoughts. It starts with Gunnar who posted his initial review a few weeks back, and now we’ve added Arash, Suburbaknght, Neojko, Will, Nightcrawlers, Aneil, and Chaley’s thoughts.
The initial parts of the below are Gunnar's updated review and after each card, we've added comments from the rest of the team. - Baz
There are certainly useful cards in there, but there are no “auto-include” cards. I fail to see any card on a level to the good cards that the other clans get in their pack. As the Dragon pack is the last pack to be released it’s safe to say that we have the weakest pack of all of the clans. If you look at the other packs, you will be hard-pressed to see any deck for that clan, not including cards from their Clan pack. I guess the irony will be that we will be an exception to that rule, as we are unique in Rokugan in so many things (fortunately most of them are good). Some of the cards will be played, and they will be in many decks, but there are no staples in that pack.

My thoughts, card by card of the cards in the Dragon clan pack. It’s a quick write up so I might re-evaluate them if someone points out some errors or reasons I didn’t think of.
Dragon Cards

High House of Light
There are so many things that are not events that we need to worry about that the effect is very unreliable. The added fate will not often happen because you will usually not play 5 cards in conflicts, and when you are engaged in those key conflicts you will probably want to trigger the stronghold before that.
It’s also an action often making you lose tempo in the back and forth trading of actions. You often want to boost one of your personalities to Defend Your Honour or to make things harder for your opponent or “deal” with a key ability or personality and if you choose to prioritize that and use the Stronghold ability for later in the conflict but that diminishes the value of the protection as it might be too late.
Would have been so much better if you got an additional action after using the action on the stronghold.
I was very excited about this stronghold, but sadly I am pretty disappointed with it. The influence on this is lacking, and not really enough to do anything with it, maybe with keeper?
The basic effect is bad, if it had Yuikimi’s templating it would be sexier, but events are not what we are worried about. A Fate Worse than Death is the only event that this would be seriously good against, but even that isn’t a hard event to play around. Maybe send homes, but that’s really only Unicorn and kind of lion. If it made you immune to card abilities, then this would be an easy 4+ (even though the influence would still be an issue). Pretty sad, this had the potential to be amazing. – Rating 2.5/5
This stronghold isn’t as bad as people have made it out to be; it just isn’t very good, especially compared to some of the powerhouse strongholds we’ve seen (Kyuden Isawa, Kyuden Kakita) or even the “just okay” ones (Shiro Shinjo, Kyuden Bayushi). If you’re ever in a situation where you can get off both effects, it probably won’t matter, but if you look at the ability as an “either or” it’s not bad. The problem is the value of the event immunity waxes and wanes in the meta depending on how many targeted events there are. The secondary effect plays into a tactic of, “play lots of cards to get a bunch of little extra effects,” which we’ll see more of in this pack. Maybe those extra effects will be worthwhile but so far I’m not seeing it. – Rating 3/5
I was super hyped when I saw that this SH allowed us to put extra fate on our characters, and I desperately want to like it, but let’s be honest: it seems hard for it to compete against MAC:
1) it only provides 7 influence,
2) the first effect lets an action window to our opponent before we can use it when we attack and only works on events, and
3) in order to activate the second effect we would need to spend 5 cards AND to have a fated ring, which seems way too restrictive. – Rating 3/5
Not a fan of this stronghold. I’d be much happier with it if it gave its immunity at reaction speed and applied a lasting effect to put the fate on it later. 5 cards is often a whole turn worth of cards – by the time you manage to play that many, all the bad things would have happened to the character and you’ll be pretty sad. Only having 7 influence when strongholds like Kyuden Isawa and Kyuden Kakita have 10/9 influence respectively with much stronger effects is also a big disappointment. – Rating 2/5
The way the action is written you have to choose between immunity and the fate fairly early in the conflict depending on the clan you are playing – which is unfortunate. However, the real downer here in the influence. Players can argue that placing a fate on a character is a strong ability – and it is – but 7 influence makes this not a competitive stronghold. – Rating 2/5
First of all 7 influence is a travesty and one of the main reasons this stronghold is already close to unplayable. After that, let’s look at the ability on it, the abilities are at odds with each other. One wants to be the first action and the other later in the conflict. The “reprieve” effect is very powerful but it’s very hard to consistently play 5 cards in a conflict over and over and the “immunity” only affects events so it doesn’t cover character, province, holding, attachment etc… abilities. I find it very hard to see a world where this becomes the correct choice instead of Mountain’s Anvil Castle. – Rating 2/5
Lore wise I was ecstatic to have this stronghold but was sorely disappointed in its effect. If the effect was lasting such as with Kakita’s Final Stance where the fate could be placed on the monk later during the conflict after the action had been taken, I could see me playing this card. If the influence was a little higher I could see me playing this card. The same goes for the immunity action which only stops events during conflict. If the card provided immunity similar to Kitsuki Yuikimi then it would be playable. As it stands the card is a grab bag of almost seized opportunities which leaves me with mixed feelings. Knowing that Mountain’s Anvil Castle exists only solidifies this stronghold as an almost nonstarter but I guess I should be thankful it actually does things unlike Shiro Kitsuki. – Rating 2/5

Support of the Dragon
This might see some play, we have cards that others want to use.
This is the best support because it says Dragon on it. That being said, Let go is only 2 influence and outside of that, does it really matter? – Rating 5/5
Dragon have had been one of the best utility splashes since core. It’s very easy to see someone running this to get a full suite of Let Go, Tattooed Wanderer, Ancient Master, and, heck I dunno, they’ll have three more pips to play around with. This may be the best Support Role in the game. The only problem is, with Roles freed anyone can run whichever Keeper Role they want and I’m not convinced that 5 extra Influence will make up for your best Keeper Element. – Rating 3.5/5
How can there be any better card than this one? – Rating 6/5
How can there be any better card than this one? – Rating 5/5
Very unique design. – Rating 5/5
Finally we can “Dragon, Support of the Dragon.” – Rating 5/5
I am a simple man, I see Dragon, I love Dragon. Best Dragon card in pack. – Rating 5/5

Fuchi Mura
It will put fate on rings. Declaring an attack, choosing a ring and assigning are basically at the same time so you won’t be able to place fate on the ring being selected. As the Dragon player is the one being attacked, he will have the next option of attacking and in the more likely position of gaining fate from a ring next.
That aside I’m not a fan of things that puts fate on all rings as it has a good chance of benefiting your opponent as much as it will you. If we start using fate manipulation more, this can be very useful but probably mostly only in those decks.
I mean this sucks, and it is void. – Rating 0/5
IF this could be protected and IF it didn’t compete for the Void slot and IF we had more “Fate on Rings” effects this one would be worthwhile. While we’re at it, I’d like a pony. – Rating 1/5
You need to have very good reasons to choose a Void province which is not Shameful or Pilgrimage. Maybe I’m wrong, but I think that wanting to give fate to your opponent does not seem to be one of these good reasons. – Rating 1/5
Giving this a 1 for jank combos with things like Seeker of Enlightenment, Stone of Sorrows, and Tadakatsu. Someone will make this deck and enjoy it, but I’m pretty confident it will be a pretty miserable experience. – Rating 1/5
Let’s pretend Shameful and Pilgrimage aren’t cards. This is still a bad province in most decks and really only make sense in a specialized deck (so why is it in the clan pack? No idea). There’s definitely some jank to be had, if your into that sort of thing, but this will not be played competitively. – Rating 1/5
This thing is good if you want to meme, otherwise it sucks. – Rating 1/5
Another do nothing province to rival Scene of the Crime, at least in this case it provides another false-positive for the viability of the fate on rings deck, so there’s that. – Rating 1/5

Taoist Adept
The most useless card in the pack!!!!!
It’s a 1/1 personality for 1 fate. We will rarely invest anything in it and have better cards for this slot. If we, for some reason, played it and had it in play it’s a 1 Mil card that issues a Mil duel. We will pretty much never win unless we are duelling a 0 Mil personality and how likely is that!
Also, since the effect for winning is “May” the opponent will not choose to put fate on a ring unless he is sure it will benefit him and not us. If for some reason we boost him by one way or another and actually win the duel is it really worth it and was it worth the slot in the deck? I think not. Also, I don’t like personalities that are basically 0/0 if they are dishonored.
When I first read this I thought it was great. You initiate the duel, lose it and tax the opponent a fate. Amazing! It’s like dynasty sneak that I can use over and over again. But. . . it says may place. So, the duel effect isn’t even doing anything. What’s the point of this? Am I supposed to pump this guy so that I can spend a fate onto a ring? Seems bad. – Rating 1/5
Okay, I’m supposed to be Shey but for dueling and hey, he’s got Duelist! Also, monk duelists are kind of cool. And look, a printed duel on a Dragon character! Neat! Oh wait, he’s 1/1. And there’s no way I’m stacking attachments on this guy to trigger him reliably. So maybe instead I buy him so Yokuni can copy his ability… oh wait, I can just have Yokuni copy Raitsugu or Hitomi. What am I supposed to do with him again? – Rating 1/5
Sooo.. I guess that the main purpose of this guy is to win his duel, as if he loses then our opponent can just say “Actually I don’t want to spend a fate” and negate its whole effect. Now, am I supposed to be happy if I pay for this guy, pump it, win my duel and put a fate on a ring so that I can trigger my new SH and put a fate on my big character? – Rating 1/5
Uhhh. Gave it a point for having decent traits. – Rating 1/5
If this “fate on rings” thing ever becomes a powerful mechanic this guy will be a 3x. Also worth noting is that he has a duel! For those who don’t know “dueling” is a Crane Clan mechanic that was introduced during their clan pack “Children of the Empire” and later reinforced in the Crane Clan’s second clan pack “Masters of the Court”. Right now this guy is trash. – Rating 1/5
This card sucks, this would get a point from me if it forced the winner to put a fate. – Rating 0/5
I like the quote. For real though if the loser or winner were required to place a fate this would carry some real utility and act as an important card in a Greater Understanding deck. As it stands I can’t imagine ever pulling it out of the binder. – Rating 1/5

Perceptive Kitsuki
It’s nice to know your opponent’s hand, but it’s weak because we have to first win a conflict (and he doesn’t help with that) and we have better options. And I’m still not a fan of a card that becomes a 0/0 if dishonored.
I think this courtier is pretty useful, effect-wise. Looking at someone’s hand is good, though the cost is high. The high glory also sucks. But I think that it is moving toward an all courtier deck, and this would be a mediocre filler courtier in that deck. – Rating 2.5/5
The synergy with Kyuden Kitsuki is obvious, and TBH, that stronghold needs reliable hand-peak (it also needs the ability to spontaneously create clever mnemonic devices to remember my opponent’s hand of fifteen cards, but I digress). The problem is, the cost of returning a Ring is too high, especially since you need to know your opponent’s hand to trigger your stronghold to get the Ring in the first place Might be worthwhile in a Dragon Courtier deck at 1 cost or being a blank 2/2/1 for 2, but as is she just doesn’t work. – Rating 2/5
The saddest thing when I think about this pack is that almost all of the cards have awesome art and that, deep down, I know that I still will never play them. – Rating 2/5
I think returning rings for Shunsen’s effect, one that’s arguably more powerful than this, is a high cost. This screams filler courtier, so I’ll give it 1 point for having the trait. – Rating 1/5
Dragon rarely wins favor these days (add that to the list of problems) so returning a ring might not be so bad? There is also SK… Hand knowledge is pretty good plus good keywords. I think she could eventually see play. – Rating 2/5
This card is awful, even in a meme deck. – Rating 0/5
A sad reminder that Shiro Kitsuki is a stronghold. – Rating 0/5

Togashi Gaijutsu
Good personality with a good ability. He’s unlikely to be part of a non-monk deck. With his – mil skill he can only participate in pol conflicts where the Monks are generally weaker so his usefulness in conflicts is questionable. His ability can be used to straighten a person who attaches a Tattoo. It can be used to straighten someone already in a conflict, but it’s usually not useful or strong enough to save the day (exceptions do certainly exist). It’s greatest strength is the possibility to attach a Hawk Tattoo to a bowed personality and bring him into the conflict in a “ready” position. In non-monk decks, many will probably try to include 1 copy in decks but for a 3 fate personality it’s pricy and unreliable and that usually means he will be cut out of the deck sooner or later. The question will also be how many times will you be able to attach a Tattoo attachment on a character? You will probably not play that many in your deck. Will you hold off on playing one when you might need it in hopes of flipping a Gaijutsu in the following turn and gain more usefulness out of it? Probably not so often outside of a dedicated Monk deck.
I like Gaijutsu, he makes hawk tattoo basically fight on. He’ll also become better as we get better tattoos. Currently I think that this is basically only Hawk Tattoo, though I think that Dragon Tattoo could also become somewhat staple after old mitsu rotates out (the sad day that this will be). The dash mil is kind of a wash, I like that he cannot be dueled. – Rating 4/5
Basically this guy lets every character become Niten Master with Tattoos. That’s neat. His ability is good for his cost and his stats aren’t terrible (hey, he can ignore most Crane duels). The problem is he’s only once per round (although he’s a good target for Way of the Dragon) and the Tattoos aren’t that good. His Rating will rise if we get better Tattoos. – Rating 3.5/5
Togashi Jean-Pedro is in the place! The french Dragon Discord channel is called “Chez Togashi Jean-Pedro” since we saw this card, so I have no choice other than giving a 5 to this badass character! To be honest, it is a currently average+ card which will become awesome if good Tattoos are being released. He has an awesome combo with Hawk Tattoo, probably decent combos with some cards from this pack and correct stats overall. I can’t wait to play a competitive Monk deck where this guy shines once our clan pack will be out and that we’ll get awesome cards.. oh wait. – Rating 5/5
In a vacuum, this card is pretty good. The tattoos in the current pool aren’t. His best use will be to make pseudo fight-ons with Hawk Tattoo. Dash mil means he won’t be dueled which is nice, too. – Rating 4/5
Pretty bad stats on a strong ability. Gaijutsu might be the best green card in this pack? Am I crazy? He is certains approaching playable. It would be great to get some more playable tattoos outside of hawk tattoo but it is still a pretty decent combo. – Rating 4/5
He’d get a 5 if he didn’t have a – in mil, he does turn hawk tattoo into fight on and that is really strong, he scales well with the card pool but at the moment idk if i’d include him just for the chance that I have a hawk tattoo ready to go. – Rating 3.5/5
His art is fantastic and his effect truly excites me. Gaijutsu is my true first spark of joy so far from the Dragon pack. Hawk Tattoo has really seen a comeback recently and its synergy with Gaijutsu forms a less restricted fight on. I am very interested to see what further tattoos are going to be released and the fun ways they might have interactions. Having a dash might have a middling effect in the end since dueling has become so prevalent but two glory with three political might turn him into a political potato often. With all that being said his ability alone will open up more options for both dueling and monk archetypes. – Rating 4/5

Austere Exemplar
This card might see the most play. It’s a solid ability, it will set up a Void Fist or duel (attach Mirumoto’s Daisho and duel 2 times). However, it does nothing to change the conflict state itself. Its usefulness depends on you having at least 2 actions that will be worth paying 1 fate to get in before your opponent does something.
Other possible situations are to attach 2 attachments and use stronghold (or Banzai!) to boost a personality to be able to play Defend Your Honor as a bully duel.
This card is only good because void fist exists. I would start 2x of this in a monk deck and see if it works out, but he doesn’t do much outside of just enabling void fist for a round. After void fist rotates out then I don’t know that there is any monk card with enough payout to make this worth it. Maybe down the line there will be another blow out card that makes the action economy worth it. There isn’t anything in this pack that necessitates his action economy. He might not even be necessary for the void fist build because he is crowding out other better cards. I don’t know that I am cutting out Yuikimi or the Alchemist just to turn on void fist faster? – Rating 3/5
Look, you’ll run this in monk decks and every now and then this card will get you the major blowout play where you just shatter your opponent. I look forward to running the Exemplar, paying 1 Fate, then for my first action playing Moment of Perfect Beauty and then getting two extra actions ahead before my opponent’s last chance. I also look forward to running the Exemplar, blowing a bunch of cards on a single conflict, having my opponent shrug off one conflict and then being down on cards for the rest of the turn after blowing my load. At least the stats are playable. – Rating 3/5
I love this card and I expect a lot from it. First, it’s a well stated 3+ Monk. It may not sound very exciting to non-Dragon players, but for me it is one step towards leaving this awkward state of playing a “Monk” deck with basically Mitsu + Seals. We’re slowly going to a game where Centipede Tattoo can decently be played, youhou! Second, I honestly think that his power may be awesome and that it is an open door to future broken combos. I didn’t think of a lot of combos, but just being able to trigger this guy into Kazue + trigger Kazue looks awesome. I have no idea of how strong this guy will indeed be, but if there is one card on which I have to bet it’s this one. – Rating 4/5
This is a unique effect and can lead to some interesting combos. You can surprise void fist with things like seal -> hurricane punch -> void fist which will be strong. The cost is pretty expensive over time, though, and it’ll be hard to find the space to fit this in our already tight dynasty deck – our dynasty is still quite strong, and it’ll be hard to justify this over something like Raitsugu or Investigator. – Rating 4/5
Sequencing is important in this game and this character lets you cheat that – that is strong. Right now Void Fist is the primary beneficiary but this ability is flexible enough to do other things with it. Very hard to find the space in the monk deck right now however. We will need more reasons to run him but not a bad character. – Rating 3/5
Ok stats and good traits, the ability is basically only useful for void fist. – Rating 2/5
Initially I was pretty hard on this card but overall I think it opens up a lot of interesting plays. There is the obvious void fist combo but having a character like this could open up a fair number of angle shooting cases that could be quite fun. Setting up an overly complicated cancel, double dueling with WotD on Raitsugu to kill a character, or some other wild jank dream such as dropping fate on a ring for Greater Understanding. For that fact and its average stats I see it as a middling card. The real question remains, is Austere Exemplar better than Raitsugu or Investigator and that is a hard no. – Rating 3/5

Mirumoto Masashige
Potentially good ability. I have played Secluded Temple a lot, and it is fairly often that your opponent will have more personalities than you. Looking at the Dragon lineup, you are unlikely to gain more than +2 from this ability. It has niche effects like possibly stopping Voice of Honor being active, but it’s not very strong.
It’s competing for a place where we have options Like Hitomi, Master Alchemist (for those that play him) and Niten Master. Most Dragon players don’t play many 4 cost personalities for various reasons and for that reason he will probably be a novelty rather than a regular in our decks.
I think that Masashige is good, but has trouble finding space in a deck. Four-costers are already one of the worst price points in the game, and this one does not provide much outside of honoring, something that Alchemist already does, with a more relevant trait, and a more controlled action. Yes, this is free, but I am going to be going in on honoring, I think I would rather just slot in 3x Alchemists before I touch this guy. She can also dishonor people. Maybe in the future we get more duelist shit, but currently it is not looking like we are, so his traits are kind of irrelevant and unnecessary. – Rating 3/5
Didn’t I already cut Alchemist down to 2x? Didn’t I cut Secluded Temple from my deck last year? Do we have any cards besides Mirumoto Dojo that synergize with Duelist? Do we have cards that synergize with being Honored? – Rating 3/5
This card is a variant of the great Master Alchemist which is cheaper, has better stats but is not a Shugenja and which is far more restrictive. His trigger ability is nice when we can trigger it, but does not seem to be very reliable. If it had been an action instead of being a “After the conflict phase begins” reaction, then I would already have liked the dude more. Also, I wanted to point out it’s kinda sad to see that our Duelist Daimyo does not have any printed duel. It looks like Raitsugu and Hitomi are still waiting for a friend. – Rating 3/5
I’m not sure if I actually like this card yet. His stats are better than alchemist, but I’d rather have an effect that is more consistent and I have to pay for than one that just might never trigger. – Rating 2/5
Master Alchemist and this guy battle for a slot. It will take some testing but I think this guy might turn out to be better. The ability isn’t as consistent as MA but it is much cheaper on a better body (although not a shugenja). I’m not saying he is going to replace Master Alchemist, but worth exploring. – Rating 3/5
Good stats, an unreliable ability and medium traits. Why and where am I slotting this character. – Rating 2/5
Without rigorous testing it is hard to say who wins out, Masahige or Alchemist. I appreciate the cheap nature of his ability and improved stats. His ability requiring less characters is rarely a challenge but can be easily outmaneuvered in the match up we would need this the most, Scorpion. The Alchemist on the other hand has a more versatile ability and the shugenja trait. He does make me ask similar questions to the first few cards in the pack and wonder how his card development progressed. Why isn’t his ability an action or more relevantly, why is his ability not duel related. – Rating 3/5

Monastery Protector
It’s a 4 cost personality with 3/3 and 2 Glory, that is more often a bad thing than a good thing. His ability is situational and not very strong. He will probably not see play until we can make (mostly) pure monk decks.
That being said, if we ever get a full monk deck, his effect’s increases greatly in value. He is not Unique, and with 2 in play, it can be super strong (anyone prepared to make a New Years resolution to do it at least once in the upcoming year?)
This art is kind of weird. I don’t really love it. I think this would be a fine monk to have in an all monk deck? Though, I’d still rather have Raitsugu over this. The effect would be really cool if it wasn’t just events that target. The fact that this also works outside of conflict is good, it does make things like Noble Sac double in price. So that’s a point in its favor. However, I don’t think there are enough relevant events out there that really necessitates this. Maybe at some point in the future some new bomb ass events come out, and the extra fate tax becomes relevant. But until then I think that this is pretty lackluster, and expensive. I don’t see this being taken. Even if you are going all monk, then I would assume that Ascetic Visionary might even be better than this? At least that readies. . . – Rating 2/5
Like a worse Utaku Tetsuko but he costs more. Neat. – Rating 1/5
Could have been a solid 4/5 if he had cost 3, but I’m not a fan of paying an overpriced character in order to potentially make my opponent pay more as well. Overall I feel like I’m saying “this card could have been so nice if only” for a lot of cards, and this saddens me a lot when I remember how much I waited for this clan pack and how high were my hopes after having seen the Crane, Unicorn, Lion and Crab packs this year, and mostly after having seen the disappointing last cycle. – Rating 2.5/5
This is a card that I think gets better the worse your opponent is at managing fate. I would play this card if it cost 3.The fact that this character can’t be clouded is pretty relevant. Too bad he doesn’t just protect monk characters. – Rating 3/5
I think what you are really paying for here is a big monk body. His text does more than nothing. – Rating 2.5/5
No attachments except monk and tattoo is usually a downside at the moment, but this does give you a bad tetsuko for your monks? I guess that’s something, I wish it had 0-1 glory but even then I don’t see it making any waves in dragon decks. – Rating 2/5
A worse version of Tetsuko that can’t be clouded, cool. With two glory and suboptimal stats this character easily potatoes as well. If the text listed card effect rather than event I might consider her in a deck. Right now she is just an expensive card with a rarely used effect, and a relevant trait. – Rating 2/5

Togashi Mitsu
He’s good, and I’d like to play him, but he’s probably not as good as the original version. If you can consistently use his ability, this version might prove better. I think he will mostly fit into Monk decks that are trying to trigger the play x actions for y decks. If you are playing the Monk stronghold in this pack and find you can trigger the extra fate for 5 actions, then it’s probably time to add this version of Mitsu to the deck.
Take notice that you can resolve ANY ring, no restrictions, so you can choose an Unclaimed ring, Contested ring or a ring that is Claimed by either player.
This art is sick. Mitsu looks like a total boss in this and I am here for it. I also love the new stats, 5 is a big blue number and I think that is great. Ultimately the only reason this card is not going to be an insta-3x in my deck is because it has Mitsu in its name. If it was any other monk I would strongly consider replacing Yokuni with this dude in an all monk deck. It would actually be good to have native monks that have good stats, that way you can free up some conflict space by dropping seals. The effect is pretty expensive, but there are a couple of different ways to cheat in cards played to make it worth it, and a lot of times in a big conflict you end up spending 3-4 cards anyway. I think that if you get this effect off once or twice that would be fine. An extra Earth/fire/void ring is pretty clutch. Resolving a water ring in the middle of a conflict would also be pretty dope. It kind of sucks that he is a mitsu and not any other monk. It is nice that there will be a mitsu that won’t rotate though. That part I like. Also, he should have covert. Come on. – Rating 4/5
A better statted Mitsu with half of covert and a good ability that’s too expensive to turn on. Man, I love paying for 5 cost characters and then having to jump through hoops to use their abilities. Also I love how unlike the old Mitsu his ability synergizes with the new Stronghold. No wait, got that backwards. Yeah, Magical Christmasland where I get to play 5 cards then use the Stronghold and Mitsu is nice, but old Mitsu actually helped me turn on the stronghold (now if new Mitsu said, “If you have used 5 or more Triggered abilities…”…). He’ll probably see play in monk decks when the current Mitsu cycles out, but until then I foresee nothing for our esteemed heir. – Rating 3/5
Nooooooooooooooooooooo ! Why are you called Mitsu? We waited for so long to get another 5 cost Monk other than Mitsu in order to FINALLY be able to drop the Seal and this guy is also called Mitsu? The art is perfect, the stats are awesome, the triggered ability is costly but strong and can combo nicely with our new SH.. but why did you have to be called Mitsu? Mitsu 1 is by far our best dynasty card, how can one expect to produce a “better but not broken” card which would replace him? It breaks my heart that such an awesome card may only see play once Mitsu 1 will rotate out… is it really cheating if I put a “2” after his name in my decks so that I can play him as well? – Rating 4.5/5
Cool art. Sucks that he’s named Mitsu. Playing 5 cards is, again, pretty difficult to do consistently. You can do something similar for 2 fate and 1 card with Kami Unleashed so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ – Rating 3/5
This would be the best card in the pack if his name wasn’t Togashi Mitsu. Just like the SH, 5 cards is a lot. He deserves a 4 but because he won’t see play until old Mitsu is no more; so I can’t bring myself to do it. – Rating 3/5
Art is dope, but as long as the OG mitsu exists this card pales in comparison, he is good though so when we get to rotation he might have a lot more support and be a staple character. 5 cards is a lot but his ability is very strong, stats are great, he just has the unfortunate circumstance of being named “Togashi Mitsu.” – Rating 3.5/5
My fingers are already crossed that we will get the chance to see the full art of this beauty of a card. So lets be honest here, original Mitsu is beyond powerful. His strong shoulders carry many a Dragon deck currently. Knowing that we will get a replacement post rotation that is actually quite decent has earned new Mitsu high marks. Right now though we are hurting for another large monk with a decent statline and a non-garbage ability. This card could have been the chosen one to help us move away from Seal of the Dragon once and for all. For the time being it looks like this Mitsu will stay in the binder until his fateful day to return and console us with his swoleness. Oh and five cards is still too high. – Rating 4/5

Togashi Hoshi
He’s good with a nice ability but overall not worth it, if you break down the stats then a 5/5 is usually a 5 cost personality. You are paying 1 extra for something that should probably be a good ability. He changes attachments into personalities. I’m not sure what happens if he does it during a conflict. Will the personality be in the conflict? At home? Or at the same location as the attachment was before being turned into a personality? Currently, we think the answer is at the same location as the card doesn’t enter play but changing its type, but clarification from Tyler may change that.
The new personality will have the same stats as the attachment, so the only time you are gaining in a conflict is if you change an attached monk into a personality. Many have mentioned that his ability can be used to remove Cloud the Mind. Kind of good and potentially useful but you now have a 0/0 0 Glory personality.
He could have been made more useful. For example, if you could have added fate to the personality or possibly targeted enemy attachments during the conflict. Alas my opinion, and from what I hear the general census, is that he’s just not worth it.
I really like the art on this, and I think that the stats and stuff are good for a 6 coster. But this dude costs a million. The effect is neat, and I like tokens. But I think this is more cute than good, to be honest. Also, most of the time you just want attachments on characters. Anything that costs above 3 needs to hit the field and blow shit up, and this dude is just neat, and has the stats of Yokuni (aren’t sons supposed to be better than their fathers?). It also does not work with ancestral (which would actually be an interesting interaction). Maybe if you’re running hawk tattoo and then you’re detaching them to make 1/0s? But even in that case, I’d rather sort of just have one guy with perma +1 and it still does not justify the million fate that he costs. I think it is a non-bo with Mountain Anvil’s Castle and no other stronghold currently matters so who cares? – Rating 2/5
Cool, I can pay 6+ Fate to detach a sword giving my character to +2 to make it a character giving my side a +2 bonus. I like zero-sum games too. – Rating 1/5
AH AH ! I just paid a fate with the Austere Exemplar so that I can play Kazue as an attachment + trigger Kazue so that I steal a fate from one of your characters to put it on one of mine + trigger Hoshi so that you can’t Let Go anymore ! AND IT’S NOT OVER, because I played a bunch of other cards (at least 4, actually) in order to trigger my new SH and Kazue now has a fate ! What can you do against that power? – Rating 1/5
Costs 6. This combos pretty decently with old Mitsu and things like Hawk Tattoo by putting them in your discard to replay later. That’s about it – Rating 1/5
I think this guy is just here for the lore. I don’t think there is any expectation that he will ever see play in a real deck. – Rating 1/5
6 costers cost too much to see play outside of cheating them into play, I’d be willing to try him if he could turn your opponent’s attachments into characters. – Rating 0/5
Expensive, restrictive, and non-synergistic with a majority of the current card pool. I have given him a .5 point for Beauty and the Beast references and swoleness alone. – Rating 1/5

Shintao Monastery
This is another holding that will never see play. Holding spots are at a premium, and this effect is not good enough to count. We need to get to 5 actions for our stronghold and 10 for our Disguised personality, sacrificing a holding slot and clogging your dynasty for a turn is not worth it.
It would need to be transferable to the stronghold or allow the province to be refilled to be worth it. If it had been worded differently, it might have worked with Iron Foundations Stance. For example “You are considered to have played an additional Kiho card in each conflict”, but alas no.
This is a fine holding I guess. Holdings also need to fulfill a role to justify their position. Other than void fist there are no real abilities that justify the play more card theme. If I play 5 cards in a conflict I should get an ability that truly wrecks somebody. 5 cards is a lot. It is potentially every card I drew in a given turn. I can justify doing that maybe once or twice in a given game, the ability attached to it should be equally strong. Outside of void fist there are currently no effects that are justify bleeding cards into a conflict. Maybe if there were some blow out stuff printed, or enough play 1 card or something, or even if this was something like ‘is considered to have played another kiho’ into the conflict to turn shit like iron stance on that would be cool. But it doesn’t do that. So meh. – Rating 2.5/5
I’m giving the high rating based on the deck this plays in. On its own the card rates only 1-2; in a “play a bunch of cards” deck I put it up higher. Maybe it even gets some teeth in a Mountaintop Statuary Rebuild deck so you can put it on your box and use it reliably. That said, without a lot of tricks it’s jamming up your Provinces for the sole purpose of being able to use cards that are already in your deck. I also want to point out, this could have been much better if it had said, “You are considered to have played an additional Kiho in each conflict.” – Rating 4/5
Looks like “play X cards to (hopefully) get a nice effect” is going to be a Monk thing, and this card looks nice for the theme. I don’t know if having +2 strength is nice, as Resto and UA are both pretty strong provinces that will probably “often” see play in Dragon decks. – Rating 3/5
I like this card more than I thought I would, but it’s ultimately pretty mediocre (probably bad). If you have 2 of these out you can instantly void fist? That’s probably not worth taking up a holding slot to do. – Rating 2/5
I wish this did more. This just doesn’t pull its weight in dynasty. – Rating 2/5
I like holdings a lot, and if there is ever a “play a bunch of cards” deck, this will be a lynchpin to getting the chains going. If only it said “considered to have played an additional KIHO” it would have been actually good. – Rating 3/5
This card has potential and maybe I am being too harsh on it. A holding that potentially is preventing breaks on Restoration or Upholding is definitely doing more harm than good. The effect barely has a positive synergy with all of the “X card played,” effects which still cost too much with barely any impact. It reduces Void Fists card played cost but often that can be a net negative. I have often set up my void fist pre-conflict so I can cause my opponent to burn cards to defend. Reducing the number of cards does not benefit me because my opponent will more often than not burn less cards to defend against the void fist. Finally it also clogs my dynasty which I already need to keep moving along. Dragon has better holdings that could sit there that actually push us towards real objectives, not some silly side mechanic. In the future the card could be better but now I can’t see it having play. – Rating 1/5

Iron Foundations Stance
Nice card. Would have been nice to be able to target non-monks too like, for example, Clarity of Purpose (also to point to the difference in other clan’s cards and ours). There are not many Kiho’s we can play for this to be an additional action. It’s either one of the Mantra’s, Hurricane Punch or another copy of this, so we are not too likely to get to draw an extra card. Dragon Tattoo might help with that.
This is a solid card that will make its way into my deck for sure. It is really good against multiple clans, combos well with Sacred Sanctuary, and in general is very good on defense. Less good on offense, but that’s fine. It is hindered by the fact that it doesn’t just automatically draw you a card. That would have made this card very good, and honestly a staple. Like, this is the card that I want to be playing first action, why punish that? If I don’t, then I just get sent home or bowed, and that sucks. Kind of a missed opportunity to make a good card imho. – Rating 3/5
So in a perfect world my opponent attacks with a Ring that lets me play a Mantra (so I draw a card), then I play this card and the Mantra counts as a previously played Kiho so I draw another card; I’m now two cards into the Conflict, Void Fist is online, and my hand size is unchanged while I have a pretty resolute defender. In reality, you’re not going to have that perfect combo most of the time and you’ll have to play cards out of order and say goodbye to your tempo. – Rating 2/5
I feel a bit weird because any non-Dragon which talked with me about this card told me that “this card is awesome”, but I don’t really find it great: the effect feels redundant with the new SH and it clearly does not deserve a slot in the current deck with the first SH, the card is not a reaction, you will probably never draw another card as you want to play it as your first card anyway.. at least the name and the art are great, as usual. Some may say that its power level makes Dragon players sad, as usual as well. – Rating 2.5/5
Why not just pre-play a Finger of Jade? – Rating 1/5
I would rate this card higher if it wasn’t for the last sentence. I now have to play a kiho first to get maximum value out of this already do-nothing card? That eliminates the point of immunity and I’ve now given a clever opponent a window. – Rating 2/5
If the play a bunch of cards High House of Light ever manifests this card will probably make it into there. As it stands the card doesn’t do enough to warrant deck slots, if it always drew a card a la Hurricane Punch we’d be talking and have another nice “starter kihō.” – Rating 2/5
Another restrictive card that is actively hurt by the similar “false kicker,” of High House of Light. Protection needs to be dropped early to be effective so being able to draw a card as the kicker effect makes it almost useless text. The main effect is so limiting why not use Finger of Jade and actually have substantial protection for your deck space. – Rating 1/5

Vine Tattoo
This is very limited protection, but it has possibilities. It will protect a 3 cost personality from being the target of a Kakita Dojo duel triggered from a 3+ cost personality and probably Rout, Duelist Training and such too. It won’t protect from things like Kanjo district, Midnight Revels, Shameful Display, I Can Swim, and A Fate Worse than Death. All in all, despite its limitations, it’s probably one of the best protection Dragon has.
It is free, and a potential ready with gaijutsu. That’s cool. I would probably try this card out, because I feel like I wanna see how often it is going to get used. It doesn’t stop assassination or kakita dojo, or any events though. So that’s kind of sad pants. So really, what is it stopping? Just printed duels? It does stop duelist training though, which is pretty legit. Does it stop takamori? I think so? That makes it kind of interesting, but it isn’t really revolutionizing that matchup. Big meh. – Rating 2/5
Yeah, this is definitely the protection my cheap characters need: protection from character abilities. The fact is there are very few character abilities in l5r that target other characters, outside of dueling. So what does this card do? Answer: it’s a cheap, non-Restricted half-fan that fuels Gaijutsu. That’s it. – Rating 1/5
This card was clearly designed for Togashi Jean-Pedro. It has other situational use cases, like protecting your beloved Investigator against Lion Pride Brawler or Doji Challenger, or basically any of your characters against Kuwanan, Ujina, Gensato or old Shoju (if he is ever played again now that new Shoju is here). Can it find a slot in any Monk deck? I doubt that. – Rating 1.5/5
+1 point for Gaijutsu synergy. I don’t think the ability is very good. It’s meant to be a protection card for your smaller monks, but do you really want to be stacking those characters up in the first place? On 2 and 1 cost characters, they still get assassinated, and on higher cost characters, the amount of relevant character abilities this protects decreases significantly. – Rating 1/5
I know this is tough to hear but with Gaijutsu I think this card might see play. We play the crab pickaxe with Niten Master and don’t complain, this is similar. It’s free, it has stats, it has text. It’s still fairly lackluster however. – Rating 1.5/5
Card sucks but helps Gaijutsu so… – Rating 0.5/5
It’s free and has synergy with Gaijutsu. If I am playing a mostly useless card such as the idiot pickaxe (Sharpened Tsuruhashi) for Niten Master, why not Vine Tattoo that has an effect that might see use and can be used on anyone? I would need some playtesting to see for sure but this card could see play as a stop gap till we get better tattoos. – Rating 2.5/5

Wildfire Kick
Playing 3 cards is not too much of a buffer, but playing this makes it the 4th card, and it needs to be a pretty important conflict to play that many cards. That said, if you do play this card at all, it’s probably an important conflict.
It’s an anti swarm action. It will probably target most of the opposing personalities, but it has the possibility of not affecting those that you need to affect most. If your opponent’s biggest personality has higher Mil than you do this will not help to bridge that gap. It will not help you use Void Fist, Duelist Training, or Defend Your Honour.
As an example, aside from Unicorn and Lion, most conflicts will not have more than 3 personalities on either side. Often it is only 1-2. In those instances, it’s, at best, -2 -6F. Yes, it can make all the difference, but it needs testing to know for sure.
There is one extra bonus to it. You don’t need to play it in a Mil conflict. It is quite likely that in a Pol conflict you will have higher Mil stat than all of your opponent’s personalities and this will give -2 Pol to all of them!
As a final HUGE negative to this action, the designers restrict it to a Monk only. It reduces its usefulness by at least 50%. I wish they had made it at least Monk or a personality with a Monk or Tattoo attachment.
I think that this is maybe a 1 of in a deck that you sometimes recur with Mitsu. It does really punish wide boards, which dragon does struggle with. Like it is good versus Unicorn, but then they just like Djinn you and you feel all the sads. I don’t know, does this card warrant having to play 3 cards to turn on? No. Like, why does it have that as a thing that you have to do? The effect is ok, it’s not game breaking. 3 cards is a lot of cards man. It can get you out of a tight spot on your stronghold, and that is ok. I don’t think it is enough to make it into your final 40, I will however be testing a 1 of. – Rating 3/5
If I’ve already played 3 cards in the conflict and I’m not winning yet, I probably need this card. It also has the virtue of hitting late additions (cards that are cheated into play). I think it’s a staple of the “play lots of cards” deck, I just don’t know if that’s enough. Now we’re four cards into the conflict and I definitely can’t afford to spend 4 cards each conflict unless I’ve got a lot more cantrip effects than we’ve seen thus far. – Rating 3.5/5
Sick art, sick name AND a nice ability for once, tell me I’m dreaming ! Oh, wait, you need to have played 3 cards before being able to play this one? And it costs you 1? I can understand the 3 cards constraint, even if 2 would already have been nice, but why does it need to cost 1? You’ll probably remove 4 mil or 4 pol, 6 if you’re lucky, while Banzaï! gives +4 mil for 0 (and don’t tell me you need to pay one honor, nobody cares except when playing vs Scorp), while Unicorn has +4 pol for 0 as well, while Phoenix has gg Supernatural Storm, while Lion has a nice Way of that they can finally play for a nice value, etc. I’m just wondering if this card only costs 1 because FFG feared that we could abuse it with old Mitsu, or worst, with Dragon Tattoo which should indeed have been printed for this card and which already costs 2. If this is why Wild Kick costs 1, this makes me sad. Otherwise, I just don’t know why this “most frequent use case -4/-4” card, which requires 3 (THREE) cards to be played before being played AND which has to be played on a Monk with more mil than the guys it targets (have you seen a lot of good Monks with high mil stat in this clan pack? I didn’t) costs 1. – Rating 3/5
Good against wide boards, but having to be the fourth card you play really hurts this card’s playability. Your opponent can match your force pumps pretty by also playing cards, too. Best case scenario for this card is to be a pseudo political buff. Every clan has a very good answer to this while you are playing the cards. Crab – watch commander/play tetsubo. Crane – Voice. Lion – way of the lion. Phoenix – storm for 20. Scorpion – Edict or AFWTD. Unicorn- Djinn. +1 point for maybe being good against very wide decks in a stronghold push. +1 point for kiho and the cool art. – Rating 2/5
I think this might be surprisingly good on the political side. It is also not irrelevant that is also affects your opponents stats on the other side – making it more difficult for them to policy debate you (if they hadn’t gotten around to it yet..). The 1 fate cost seems a bit mean spirited. – Rating 2/5
This card is only getting points because pol debuffs are very rare and tend to be good. However this card has so many costs, 3 cards before it and a fate? This card is good vs wide boards so it’s nice to have it in reserve if wide strategies become super popular. This card is super good for any stronghold attack/defense so it will probably end up as a 1x and with mitsu it represents a lot of force mitigation. – Rating 2/5
This card has potential but relying on “X cards played” as the central cost makes this hard to sell. Plus the clan who this would be excellent against currently is Unicorn and with the roles unlocked they have Djinn available, which makes this card a moot point. Minus political skill is rare though so Wildfire kick does earn points for some utility. If this card included the draw one effect like many of the other Kiho’s it would prove to have even more utility and could see further play. Until the “X cards played,” deck gets sufficient card draw to overcome the burden it places on each conflict then it won’t become a reality. – Rating 2/5

It has possibilities. We don’t use many attachments that cost more than 1 fate, so gaining from the exchange is not very likely although possible.
It’s just one of those cards that don’t actually help you win conflicts. Who hasn’t been in a situation where you have lot’s of cards, but they just don’t help you win the conflict. Until we have enough of those, this is basically a different take on Daymio’s Favor that is probably a better option because it doesn’t cost fate. Some might point out this being better because of the +1/+1 but Our Stronghold would more often than not even that out.
So like, you pay 1 for this, return it to your hand, and get a free Mirumoto Daisho from it? Doesn’t daimyo’s favor do the same thing? I guess Daimyo’s favor doesn’t give you +1/+1 but also it is free. I want to like this card, but I don’t. I don’t think that paying 1 for this effect constantly is intelligent, and I’d rather any other card be in my hand at that given moment. It’s also during a conflict, so you can’t use it on utility attachments. Side note, lion dude getting wrecked in this art. – Rating 1.5/5
Haven’t I already cut Daimyo’s Favor down to 2? Okay, I could combine this with Daimyo’s Favor to get a 2 cost attachment for free or I could just use the second Daimyo’s Favor. I mean, it does return to hand after use so I could put it on a different character whereas Daimyo’s is stuck on the character it’s on, but if that’s your concern you’re probably enjoying open Roles and are already running Adopted Kin. Look, if something ever comes out that references the Philosophy Keyword this might get good, but right now it’s a niche Daimyo’s. If you’re still running 3 DF, cut one for Niten and try it out, but otherwise you have no use for this card. – Rating 1/5
At first glance, this card looks very similar to Daimyo’s Favor, at the difference that DF costs you 0 and that you can more than one DF per turn. However, Niten can be used to artificially increase your number of played cards during a conflict. I don’t know how strong this can be, because Niten would likely see room in a heavy cost attachment deck and this does not seem to have a lot of synergies with a “play a bunch of cards” theme. Note: I was still hyped to test this card with Kazue, but the combo does not even work because of the wording. – Rating 2/5
OK hear me out, you play Austere Exemplar, pay a fate to a ring, play this, activate its action to put in Mirumoto Daisho, and duel. Or you can just save the fate and play Mirumoto Daisho and duel next action. – Rating 1/5
Sure.. they changed up Daimyo’s Favor – for those into that sort of thing. – Rating 1/5
This card sucks, but the art is cool. – Rating 0/5
This is a worse Daimyo’s Favor that only earns points by skirting around niche cases. Sure it can get around Gossip and Tea House but one fate is a high cost for a discount and cards like Niten/Kazue don’t work together. Daimyo’s Favor sees play because having no fate and playing a card is huge. Having to save a fate, especially likely your last fate, in an environment that see a non 0 amount of Goblin Sneaks makes this card for super niche decks. What might prove me wrong is solely the dueling deck. If this card could sneak out Greater Understanding though, I would be all about it. – Rating 1.5/5

An Ocean in a Drop
If you don’t know what your opponent’s hand contains this basically useless to use on him. If you do know there has to be a very good reason to use it on him as he probably has an equal chance of getting just as good cards.
The best use will probably be to fish for something you are missing for a toolbox but if you do you are also likely to miss on other elements for the toolbox. Possibly best used to fish for Mirumoto’s Daisho, Talisman of the Sun or some such card.
A+ name and pretty cool art. I would definitely run 1x of this card I think. It is a less meme-y karmic balance, sort of. I mean it kind of helps to reset your hand, or if you investigate their hand and it is way too good you can sort of fuck around with this. I like that. I don’t know that I would seriously run this at a kotei, or if it would make my final 40. I definitely think that the effect is interesting enough for me to consider using it to see how relevant it is. – Rating 3.5/5
I’m giving a higher-rating than I normally would for combo purposes. On its own, the best this card does is give you extra mulligans if you’re searching for a particular card (I can see it working with hunting Mirumoto Daisho or Let Go). On the other hand, if you have any kind of re-shuffle ability going on – say, Slovenly Scavenger – this card is an amazing reset. – Rating 3/5
You basically pay one card and one fate to mulligan the rest of your hand or make your opponent mulligan his. It does not look very sexy. Maybe it can be worth it in a Daisho deck if you think that your opponents is holding on his Let Go, or if you know that they have Let Go because you are a genius and you are playing Scene of the Crime, but even in this case, what about just playing our Lord and Savior Kitsuki Investigator and just get rid of the Let Go? – Rating 2/5
I’m being super optimistic with this card, but it’s a unique effect and maybe down the line it leads to some insane combos. Spell means it’s fetchable with Shrine Maiden. – Rating 4/5
I am sure a jank master somewhere is rubbing their hands together scheming on how they will break this card. However, I believe this falls victim to schrodinger’s cat unless Dragon Mil ever becomes a thing. – Rating 2/5
I’ll believe it when I see it, but all I see at the moment is expensive memes both in card name and card effect. – Ratign 1/5
I see it as a narrow tech card that synergises with Slovenly Scavenger. It is focused on either moving key cards from opponents hands to the deck or hoping you draw your key cards. Without mulligan tech or dishonor pressure being guaranteed this is one off tech card in an already tight conflict side. – Rating 2.5/5

Togashi Acolyte
There is a possibility, but for 2 fate it’s unlikely to be worth it. It will see some play and be tested. It will win conflicts and possibly games, but I doubt it’s good enough to stay in decks.
So this card is actually decent right? Like it just pumps your shit up? I just don’t know that I can find some space for him. It is actually a good use of the play more cards meme that dragon is getting. But when I am paying 2 for an attachment I kind of want the world, or at least a barcha like effect. This is not that. If would be if it was if anyone played a card, then it would be interesting to think about, currently it is a little bit too fair for me to want to put in my deck in any serious way. This dude’s karate stance is legit though, points for that. – Rating 3/5
I want to be clear: if the new Dragon, “play a bunch of cards for the sake of playing cards” tactic works, this is the card that makes it work. Turning every card you play into a +1/+1 is phenomenal. You bow High House to protect a character, play Acolyte on them (triggering his ability in this process), and just go to town. The main problem is that, having depleted your hand to win the conflict, you get smashed in the return stroke. – Rating 4/5
It’s hard to comment on this card. The effect is powerful and has a lot of synergies with the “play a bunch of cards” theme that we got. However, would the card have been too strong if it had cost 1? I mean, you play the card, you paid 2, you have +1/+1. Then you need to play at least two other cards in the conflict for it to have a decent effect, but you still have just paid 2 for it, and then again it finally starts to be really good. Some may say that the cost is fair because the card is an attachment and will be used in the next conflict in which the attached character is participating in, but even then, the card will start again as a +0/+0.
I still give it a 3/5, because Dragon has Niten, which can be pretty nice both to increase your counter of played cards and to decrease the cost of this card. – Rating 3/5
Play a bunch of cards, get bowed anyways. When you play this card, you’re trading 2 fate and a card for +1/+1, which isn’t a great investment. – Rating 1/5
This is crazy expensive. For a 2 cost attachment I could play jade tetsubo.. 3 mil guaranteed (no need to spend cards) with the ability to bonk guys. I guess it’s not restricted so there’s that.. – Rating 1/5
A weirdly flexible but unsurprisingly lackluster card. 2 cost is a lot for a low impact character and attachment. In a play a bunch of cards deck it can get pretty crazy but still susceptible to bow effects. – Rating 2.5/5
This card might be the one I’m most excited to playtest out of the entire pack. It is very flexible and provides raw power. If there is anything that will change my perspective on “X cards played,” it will likely involve this card as well. I can see this card doing well in a dueling deck, has synergy with Niten, and has interesting interactions with mantras which are still unplayable but I want that to be a deck someday. There is no getting around it, two cost is high especially for an attachment but the versatility makes me super interested to play around with it. – Rating 4/5

Dragon Tattoo
Very good but you are paying 2 fate for something that will only do anything if you have something to support it. It’s not quite the same but not very different from Way of the Dragon. It boosts something else you have. I don’t see Way of the Dragon played much, and this will probably be the same.
The best use for this is probably to get extra actions for the Monk stronghold and other such effects. If you can keep it in play, it’s worth it at 2 fate but with all the anti attachment going around its risky to play it.
It’s also Restricted so no comboing with Mirumoto’s Daisho where it would have been most useful. Many of the actions you would like to use for this are Max 1 per turn, and that further reduces the usefulness.
Man, this card. I don’t really know. It is a non-bo with duelist builds because it is restricted so you can’t put it on a Mirumoto Daisho dude and go to town on them. That would have actually been sick. It also kind of sucks in monks, currently, because every kiho you remove from game is one that won’t be cycled back into your hand using Mitsu. I like the effect though, and it is an intelligent way of increasing the amount of cards you pay into a conflict without actually having to play cards. I can see how in a post-Mitsu world you’d play this attachment on shit and be happy about it. It also does not double court games, banzai, or any of that stuff that says max 1 per conflict. Which I guess is balanced. Not fun, but balanced. – Rating 3.5/5
For anyone not in the Dragon Discord, ever since this card was previewed people have been trying to figure out how the card works. The problem is that half the cards you want to use with this card don’t target your character (i.e. Void Fist). It’s also Restricted so you can’t combine it with Mirumoto Daisho for a super Policy Debate (at least for the first trigger). I think the idea is to provide an extra card lay to trigger, “Play X cards” effects but those effects still aren’t good enough. Maybe it’ll see some use to get a Mitsu-like effect when Old Mitsu cycles out. That said, the ability is still pretty powerful, stats are good and it’ll only get stronger as Dragon get more cards it can combo with. We’re getting those cards, right? – Rating 3/5
One of the biggest deceptions of our clan pack with new Mitsu for me. The art is once again sublime, having a Dragon Tattoo in the Dragon clan is über badass.. and I have no idea if this card will actually see play. Most Dragon players are currently playing Court Games, Banzaï!, Let Go, Void Fist and Hurricane Punch as events in the “standard Dragon deck that has not changed since forever”. From all of these cards, the only one which can be played again with Dragon Tattoo is Hurricane Punch, and unfortunately I don’t recall having seen any nice enough new events to justify playing this 2 cost attachment. Once again, I’m frustrated because I see a beautiful card which could have been awesome and which may not end up being played. – Rating 3/5
Expensive and doesn’t allow you to replay some of the most staple cards in the current Dragon deck(Court Games, Banzai!, Void Fist). It’s a nonbo with Old Mitsu, who wants the cards in the discard to replay and doesn’t even work with Mitsu’s replay action. I’ll give it a point for the cool art and another for the Gaijutsu synergy. – Rating 2/5
Great Art! Surprisingly little works with this card. It then removes that card from the game. It’s restricted. Below average stats for a 2 cost attachment. – Rating 1/5
Expensive and restricted make this already a hard card to get behind, throw in a powerful but awkward to use ability and you have a classic Dragon card which is fitting. – Rating 2/5
I am likely unduly hyped for this card. I actually would give it a solid four as a rating but I felt 3.5 or less is likely more accurate for the card as a whole. First off this is the second part of the band aid that is Mitsu part two. It can be used as a one time poor man’s Old Mitsu which objectively is worse. So why do I love it? It works with Gaijutsu, its costs/restrictive feel reasonable (compared to everything else we have gotten I think I might have restriction stockholm syndrome), and most importantly it offers further viability for odd deck archetypes. That last point is the real reason I am looking forward to this card. I can’t wait to test out a bunch of jank decks and see what comes out on the other side. Each will likely be trash, but a man can dream. So overall, the card is not great. – Rating 3.5/5
Neutral cards

Elegant Tessen
Pretty solid but the requirement of a less than 3 fate personality reduces the usefulness a lot. It can let you defend or straighten to counterattack, but it will rarely win you games and is very unlikely to win you conflicts if you use it there.
This is a neat card and I think it is good for draft. I don’t think this is a serious card that I would ever run, no 2 cost is worth this. I don’t want to put attachments on any 2 drop, unless I absolutely have to in order to win a game, and that’s usually in a conflict. – Rating 2.5/5
Niten Master on a weapon. Neat. Makes it easier for Dragon to run NM, powers up Niten Adept, all around great tool. Combos well with Adopted Kin for that matter: choose a bowed, cheap character, Hawk Tattoo them in, play the Tessen, win the conflict, then the Hawk and Tessen go back to hand. You know what I love: three card combos because I definitely always have all of those pieces in my hand, and now I can trigger Wildfire Kick. Just to be clear: that last part is sarcasm. – Rating 3/5
Why not in a swarm deck? – Rating 2.5/5
It’s neat, but I don’t see many situations where my 2-drops are worth dedicating the deck spaces to stand. – Rating 2/5
Hey, this might be cool with niten adept? – Rating 2/5
A cool card that fits into a potential swarm deck. – Rating 2.5/5
I don’t see this being super impactful in a lot of decks but it remains a fun card. One fate cost is fair and this could see play in a swarm deck. As Dragon this would be fun with Niten Adept but any two coster has to play the Assassionation tax which will make sure this card almost never sees play. – Rating 2/5

Four Temples Advisor
It does give you +2 pol, but it’s basically paying 2 fate to draw a card, possibly 2, in a turn. After drawing one card, you are even (having played a card to get the effect) Drawing two cards means you paid 2 fate to gain one card.
So you probably need more than one turn to get any good value from this. You will rarely be able to trigger it on turn 1 (besides not having fate to pay 2 fate for it and do anything else meaningful on the first turn).
Turn 2 is situational as quite often there are not many rings with fate. If you want 2 that turn you will probably need to put fate on a ring yourself and the same on turn 3 and on.
This is kind of interesting. It does the same thing as the trusted advisory which is cool. Overall, I don’t think it will see much play at all because it is 2 cost and restricted. But it is interesting. – Rating 1/5
Card draw is good for any deck (hard to win a card game without cards) and even more so for the, “Play a bunch of cards for the sake of having played cards,” tactic Dragon seem to be getting. So far, so good. The stats on this piece are a little low for its cost but given the potent ability, understandable. After all, drawing cards any time you gain Fate from a Ring, not just when the attached character is involved, is pretty good. The main issue is that 2 cost is still expensive in an environment with lots of attachment hate, and Dragon still don’t have a way to protect their attachments. And unlike other expensive attachments, this card doesn’t help you win on its own (unlike, say, Mirumoto Daisho or Way of the Dragon) but hopefully draws you the cards to play for effects that trigger other effects that help you win. That’s a lot of chains. Finally, the card doesn’t even have the Monk keyword so you can’t play it on all those, “No attachments other than Monk or Tattoo” characters we’re getting. Good idea but poor execution. – Rating 2.5/5
Rating 2.5/5
Rating 2/5
Rating 2/5
Rating 2.5/5
I could see this having play in dishonor style dueling decks to help combat the card draw issues they inevitably face. Two cost and restricted do act as some serious restrictions. The fact this can sit on a non-dueling character does give it a plus though since the effect is blanket. – Rating 2.5/5

Honestly has a very good chance to be played in our regular decks. We might even put attachments on Crane personalities to prevent them from using their stronghold to honor a strong personality.
I like that he is a heretic, that’s sweet. I don’t hold out much hope for this dude, but I am sure there will be plenty of people who want to prove me wrong. I guess it is pretty good against scorpion specifically, but I don’t know if it really makes the timing windows awkward, and lining that up in dynasty will only work every once in a while, and that’s very meh. He does have a nice blanket effect. It is a little awkward, because as Will points out, you do often want Yokuni and Mitsu honored. I think it is interesting in Crane, perhaps? 3 cost is already the most contentious slot in a given deck, am I cutting Raitsugu for this? – Rating 3.5/5
This guy’s better than he gets credit for, it’s just going to take time to figure out how to use him. His numbers are fine, if not stellar. He nullifies Scorpion dishonor tricks and a lot of Crane honor tricks. With minimal play he turns on Duel to the Death, For Shame, and Mirumoto Hitomi. I don’t know which deck he goes in yet but he will have a home. – Rating 4/5
This comment is a duplicate of Suburbaknght’s one, which said everything. – Rating 3.5/5
I actually really like this card. This card means Mark of Shame can’t dishonor your characters. Unfortunately, your characters will end up being stuck at neutral a lot if you play it. Two of our big hitters, Old Mitsu and Yokuni, both really like being honored. I think this will ultimately be a very matchup dependent card – being strong mostly against Crane and Scorpion. – Rating 4/5
I think this guy might be overrated by the community in general. You can’t control when he will come out and at what state (honored/neutral/dishonored) your characters will be in when he does. Also, we’ve seen previously that “cannot be dishonored” can often bite its owner. – Rating 2/5
Card is situationally powerful and very clearly is targeted vs certain clans, he both blanks and enables a lot of cards but i’m not sure where his home is yet. I do expect him to see some play and I do expect him to be annoying. He has the potential to be a meta defining card, or one that will see no play. – Rating 3.5/5
I agree with Arash on this. If he was conflict I would make him a 5 for sure. I see him being a huge asset in dueling decks going forward so I bumped up his score a bit. – Rating 4/5
Other clan’s cards

Asahina Maeko
Can possibly deny players from playing cards, if they don’t have fate to play. Notice that she doesn’t even have to be present, and this is not limited to card types.
This card can easily be as good as Guest of Honor, Isawa Tadaka and other cards that deny actions. It’s actually a cheaper (although Assassinatable …if you want to try that against a Crane) version of Utaku Tetsuko.
This is a crane card and crane sucks. Just re-read. I don’t like fair cards and this is a fair card. I don’t want to pay extra for my conflict deck, that sucks, even if it does force my opponent to do so as well. Dislike. – Rating 2/5
Oh neat Crane get Utaku Tetsuko for less. Oh wait, it hits both of us. Better hope you also have Yoshi. – Rating 2/5
Once again, I love the art. The ability is very nice and is also fairer than Tetsuko’s one: if Crane is attacking then you’ll be able to play a card for its real price before Crane turns on this card, and then the Crane player will also have to pay the tax if he/she wants to play cards as well. Overall, this card is a pretty decent low cost Shugenja with a nice ability. The only issue is that I doubt that Crane have slots in their dynasty deck anymore after having had Toshimoko, Takamori, Kageyu, Kuwanan, Hotaru, Kuzonobu, the Iron Crane Legion, Maker of Keepsakes, Tea House and Kakita Dojo (which are all great) in less than a year. – Rating 3.5/5
This is a dynasty side ageless crone with the Shugenja trait. I don’t think it’s too bad, considering there are quite a few strong Crane abilities that do not actually require you to play a card and will win you a conflict (a pre-played Duelist Training or Kakita Dojo). If Crane really want to play Cloud, they might slot this in. – Rating
As someone who has played a lot with Tetsuko – there is a massive difference between increase by 1 for cards vs events. The fact that this affects both sides… maybe if iron crane legon becomes really popular? An easier way to get this ability is just a moment in perfect beauty no? – Rating 2/5
2 is the worst slot in the game, and taxing both sides is very medium, her ability takes action equity also so it’s even more awkward to use. – Rating 1/5
It is a dynasty side ageless crone that could fit well in a preplay style duelist deck. Being fair, costing two, and her requiring action economy hurt her playbility. She is a shugenja though, so that’s a plus. -Rating 2/5

Matsu Koso
Probably not that good for Lion. They rarely need to change their pol boost to mil boosts and have better options for 3 fate slots in their decks.
Seems expensive, highly variable and kind of bad? Aren’t there better 3 costs? Funnily enough it is very good against dragon where the stats are super balanced. – Rating 2.5/5
Seems good. Decent Skill and an ability that hits Lion’s opponents much more than it hits Lion. The 2 Glory may be a problem but without being in Political Conflicts she’s not going to be dishonored very often. – Rating 3/5
I’m not a Lion player, but it seems that they already have pretty strong 3 cost characters and that it would be hard for them to slot this card. Its triggered ability can be pretty strong, especially against Dragon or Crane, but does not seem reliable enough for the card to earn a slot. – Rating 3/5
Pretty filler card for lion, but I don’t think it’s really that bad. It’s good against dragon’s balanced stats and I’d probably find this annoying . – Rating 3/5
Great art! A pretty solid action for a lion in a pretty cramped deck slot. – Rating 3/5
Did Lion suddenly have a hard time creating big red numbers? – Rating 0/5
Great against Dragon and Crane I guess but the three slot is super competitive in Lion. So much so I highly doubt she will see play outside of a hard rush deck, even then there are better cards to fill a deck with. – Rating 2/5

Asako Togama
I’m not a Phoenix expert, but from my point of view, it’s a pretty solid personality that will probably not see much play because they have better options.
I like that there are more scholars. But I don’t really know that this fits its way into any current Phoenix deck. Maybe in a dishonor deck? Probably not. – Rating 2.5/5
Good numbers for four cost but a lackluster ability. That said, he’s an easy way to turn on original, errata’d Tadaka. Of course he also lacks the all-important Shugenja keyword. I could see him having a place in an IMS deck. – Rating 3/5
Phoenix’s best range of characters may be the 4 cost line, and this card does not seem to have any support in their clan. Its pretty nice stats don’t seem to be enough to earn a slot. The art is beautiful and funny though. It looks like this dear Togama just learned that he belongs to the Phoenix clan despite having an ability which benefits pretty well of the Dragon “put fate on rings while getting crushed by your opponent” theme and that he is like “oh well..”. – Rating 2/5
This card isn’t bad for dynasty Tadaka. I think it’s hard to justify playing a 4 cost non-shugenja in the Phoenix deck right now, though. It does have synergy with Tsuki, who is seeing some play again. It also works well with Prodigy of the Waves, so you don’t have to attack water to get the stand. – Rating 3/5
Seems like a doesn’t do nothing ability on a solid body. This ability could get much better with time if we see PHX really really wanting to control certain rings. – Rating 3/5
2 Relevant traits and a gigantic stat block along with a somewhat useful ability? Sign me up. Not sure where the Asako Daimyo fits but he’s definitely got a home somewhere as he currently has the trouble of “no shugenja trait.” – Rating 3/5
Relevant traits, decent stats, and an ability that builds to a growing deck archetype. Ring play could be a very fun with this character and it can fit nicely within a dishonor style deck. Returning the air ring and gaining fate off another ring feels great in a clan that has innate capability of switching rings easily. The four slot is super competitive though in Phoenix which hurts the cards overall score. – Rating 3/5

Bayushi Gensato
I think this is a very useful personality. Scorpion players might not agree, but the way I read him is: If I duel a lower Mil personality, I will bow him or gain honor from his bid. If I’m losing, I can dishonor his personality (I’m loosing so I don’t care if I bow). Then the Scorpion have tons of tricks to use on him once he’s dishonored. If I am bowed, I can move him into a conflict, perhaps with Favorable Ground, to dishonor his strongest personality.
In almost all circumstances, there is no loss to the Scorpion for losing the duel. If he’s winning the conflict, he can just decide not to use it. He can even use if he is already dishonored and doesn’t really care if he is because he has 0 Glory and won’t become more dishonored if he wins.
If he dishonors, I can possibly straighten with my stronghold (if he’s playing that one).
This dude rocks. He has so much potential with KB and is also pretty decent in City. I think that he is worth testing, though I don’t really know what my city deck would drop to include him in it. Also lets you run 0 attachments. Seems good. – Rating 4/5
When I wrote about no-lose dueling this is what I meant. His ability is amazing, and against characters hit with Scorpion debuffs he just wrecks them, then readies with Kyuden Bayushi. He lets you reset your dial for I Can Swim. His biggest problem is the lack of mil buffs in Scorpion, but if you’re trying to out-bid Scorpion you’re already in trouble. – Rating 3.5/5
Hello, I’m a Scorpion character which can dishonor one of your big guys once per turn. I also have quite nice stats. In particular, have you paid attention to this awesome 0 glory stat? This will come in handy when I’ll duel and bow your already dishonored big guy in a duel where his attachments won’t matter. Not to mention that my duel also gives me the interesting option to change my dial whenever I want, which let’s be honest, is still a welcome bonus. The most awesome thing about this guy remains his flavor text. FFG, you are a bunch of trolls and sometimes I love you for little things like this. And then I go back to evaluating our Dragon clan pack. – Rating 5/5
Scorpion doesn’t really care about either of the effects happening to them, and both are bad for the opponent. – Rating 5/5
Insanely flexible card. Scorpion gets all the cool toys. Rating 5/5
Having a super solid, flexible and repeatable ability makes this card very appealing. The traits are not ideal and space is tight, but I would expect to see a non 0 amount of this card enter the environment. – Rating 4/5
Great stats for an amazing ability that is a win-win. This card is an all around slam dunk. Zero glory, great synergy with existing card pool for cards such as Noble Sacrifice, I Can Swim and KB, and a functionally free dishonor against big boys. I can’t imagine he won’t see play. – Rating 5/5

Hida Kotoe
Not bad but will probably not see play as they have much better options.
This is a great card that basically just rewards crab for being crab. On top of that it has a baller quote, and is a conflict character. This card is better than nearly every dragon card in the pack, in fact I can’t think of a card that is better than this that Dragon gets. – Rating 4/5
It’s a win-more card which is never great to see, but it’s got good numbers for the win. This can also target ANY attachment, which is a type of attachment control that Crab has lacked. Attachments on your own characters, your opponent’s, non-participating characters, terrain, heck, even Greater Understanding: all get hit. – Rating 3/5
Looks like you didn’t have to be a Dragon to get the best cards in this pack. Nice stats, awesome ability, conflict character.. what else could you really want from this card in a faction which is not splashing Let Go or any attachment hate card and which just losts Satoshi to quickly have Karada? – Rating 5/5
It’s a crab character. It holds swords and tetsubos. It can have a dude following it around making you lose honor. Oh, and when it wins on defense, you blow up an attachment. Karada District getting you down because it’s limit 1 per deck? Run 3 of these and have a platform you can play conflict side. – Rating 5/5
This is the best card in the dragon pack. Crab never needs to splash dragon ever again – here is your cloud killer. – Rating 5/5
I think this is the best card in the pack. It has reasonable stats for a conflict character and gives crab something they have been desperately craving. In clan ways to remove problem attachments like cloud, pacifism, greater understanding etc… and all you have to do is something Crab happens to be good at, WIN ON DEFENSE. Really awesome card that fills a giant hole Crab had in its game. – Rating 5/5
This and Bayushi Gensato are likely the best cards in the pack. An non-conditional win effect on a conflict character that can act as a platform for a tower is straight money, as the kids say. Her decent stats and low glory earns a place in my heart. Her quote and attachment hate makes him a match made in heaven for those Crab who wish to seek her out. – Rating 5/5

Iuchi Rimei
Useful ability. I can definitely see it being used. Rimei can use his action at any time, during conflicts and in any phase. It can be used to move boosts between Unicorn personalities. It can move Cloud the Mind. It can move key cards like Reprieve, Talisman of the Sun and even make cards like Jurojin’s Curse useless. Another use might also be to move Force of the River in Unicorn swarm attack and honour decks.
Meh, not cavalry and bad stats so big pass. Doesn’t do shit to daisho or other big attachments. Sure it moves cloud the mind around a bit, but honestly who cares? Unicorn dynasty is so tight right now that I don’t think he makes it. – Rating 2/5
She has some cute tricks. She can put valuable attachments on dying characters, she can move Cloud to someone you don’t care about, she can wreck utility attachment play like Favored Mount or Formal Invitation. Her main problem is that she can’t hit big attachments (Mirumoto Daisho, Pacifism, Barcha etc.). Without Cavalry you can’t recall her in a moment of crisis and her stats make her a bad Charge! Target. She might have been worthwhile in core and but in current Uni I don’t think she makes the cut. – Rating 2/5
The main utility of this card is to deal with Cloud the Mind like a boss. I doubt that this will be enough for a 2 cost non-Cavalry character to make the cut. It would have been a pretty solid character if it had been a 1 cost though. – Rating 2/5
I don’t think this card has a spot in the current Unicorn deck, although it does absolutely punish cloud the mind. Against Dragon, it also hits Reprieve and Finger of Jade, which would absolutely be crippling. – Rating 3/5
Rimei doesn’t go in the current Unicorn decks.. But one day, when Unicorn makes a shug deck.. Rimei will get out of her binder and move around curved blades, clouds or reprieves for you. – Rating 2.5/5
Cool ability, terrible stats and cost, not cavalry. A tech card if I’ve ever seen one. – Rating 1/5
An angle shooting card that really only has the shugenja trait. Lacking calvary and stats she is an almost hard pass. Missing all the big cost attachments hurts her hard as well and she might see play if her ability merged with Giver of Gifts. – Rating 1/5
With 3 Strongholds to choose from I think the Kitsuki stronghold will be a novelty tested and played for fun. The Monk stronghold will be used because we like monks but not so much for its power or usefulness. I’d say that at least 70%, possibly 80-90% of the players will still use Mountains Anvil Castle.
What I see glaring at me is that the cards/themes don’t really work together. Due to the multiple themes, we end up with too many cards that only support, at most, 1/3 of our personality trait. This, of course, is an issue because our cards seem to be split between our themes so evenly that we don’t have any strong theme.
There are too many cases where the timing or the requirements significantly reduce the usefulness of a card, something that doesn’t seem to happen across all clans. A good example is that if a “Duel to the Death” where a Dragon card I’m almost certain it would require the initiating personality to be a Duelist.
Dragon will remain the mystery clan where we will be forced to perform on the merits of our skill and not the quality of our cards 😉
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One Reply to “Seekers of Wisdom – Dragon Pack Review”
Sad for the dragon clan. The two best cards seem dragon’s and scorpion’s, which is a bummer.