Meta Check – LLO 7

We continue to explore how to meta develops with all these new cards with the London Legion Online events. This event has 39 players in total.
We have the EU swiss up on Lotus Pavilion here and the NA swiss up here. Up to Campaigns of Conquest (pack 4) is legal for this event, so we do have the number of new cards but don’t yet have the controversial Contested Countryside.
EU Swiss 19

After 4 rounds played, the cut was made for 3-1 or better with 7 players qualifying.

NA Swiss 20

At the end of the 4 rounds there we 6 players on 3-1 or better who qualified.

Looking at both sides, Crab seem to be in a good place with 4 of the 6 players in total making the cut. Lion are similar with 2 of the 4 players making the cut. I’m looking forward to day 2 and some deck lists!
The top cut had 1 player dropping and the remaining 8 of the remaining 12 playing a game to see who joins the top 4 players in the top 8.
- Zarzuckett – Scorpion
- Luis Bretas – Phoenix
- SirLargness – Phoenix
- Will Harrison – Lion
- Shane Ruman – Crab
- Handsome Dan – Lion
- Daniel Correas – Crab
- Dimitris Melissinos – Scorpion
- Konstantinos Paltoglou – Crab
- Kasuga Futsume – Phoenix
- Stefanos Michalakis – Scorpion
- Aytan – Crab
- LevirexJones – Unicorn

If you have any comments or feedback please post them in the comments section below. Check us out on the Imperial Advisor website, podcast, and YouTube channel for more discussion about the L5R LCG.