Dominion cycle – Pack 5 – As Honor Demands

We are now up to the 5th pack of the Dominion cycle. Like many of the packs in this cycle, some early previews from the pack caused a certain amount of shock with the player base due to the power level and impact on the meta game.
…Dominion cycle – Pack 4 – Campaigns of Conquest

The Dominion cycle continues with Pack 4 Campaigns of Conquest, boasting a new stronghold, 9 Rally cards and a new event cancel for Scorpion.
…Dominion cycle – Pack 3 – In Pursuit of Justice

Fantasy Flight are being very kind to us, and even though we can’t yet get the pack, they’ve announced the contents so we can keep excited about the game. And this pack certainly delivers with some super spicy cards.
…Dominion Cycle – Pack 2 – Spreading Shadows

The second pack in the Dominion cycle had a limited release before lockdown, but we’ve had a number of online tournaments where we could see the cards in action.
…Dominion Cycle – Pack 1 – Rokugan at War

The start of a new cycle is always exciting. Not only do we get a whole new set of cards but we also get new mechanics and this first pack certainly doesn’t disappoint with a lot of new cool toys!