Meta Check – Melbourne

Meta Check – Melbourne

Melbourne Skyline

Melbourne is the first Kotei after the Birmingham Grand Kotei. The players will have seen what was successful during the testing grounds of Birmingham and hopefully will be able to refine and adapt. The expectation is that we’ll see Scorpion and Crab dominating the top tables but hopefully, Melbourne will surprise us!

Day 1

Pre-registration has started and Lotus Pavilion is being used with the tournament here. We are big fans of Lotus Pavilion and encourage you to support the site with their Patreon. We should see the first games start at midnight GMT or 20:00 EDT. Games will be streamed on twitch here, probably getting re-streamed through MindsDesire’s channel.

For the main event, we have 60 players.

Melbourne Kotei – Attendance

At the end of the swiss, there were 4 who made the cut and 7 challengers for a total of 11 players going into day 2.

Melbourne Qualifiers
Melbourne Qualification Rates

Top players

  • 1. Glen Saward – Crab Hatamoto
  • 2. Bert Perry – Lion Hatamoto
  • 3. Benjamin Szymkow – Scorpion Hatamoto
  • 4. Jay Kristoff – Scorpion
  • 5. Adam Fry – Crane Hatamoto
  • 6. David Leslie – Crab
  • 7. Brendon Stove – Lion
  • 8. Merlin Floyd  – Phoenix Hatamoto
  • 10. Garth Davos – Dragon Hatamoto
  • 13. Cameron Popple – Scorpion
  • 24. George Glover – Unicorn Hatamoto


Day 2

So far it looks like the Day 2 bracket is as follows

The final was Glen playing Crab splashing Unicorn versus Ben playing Scorpion splashing Crane with Glen taking the win in the end.

Position Name Faction
Winner Glen Saward Crab
Top 2 Benjamin Szymkow Scorpion
Top 4 Jay Kristoff Scorpion
Top 4 Bert Perry Lion
Top 8 Garth Davos Dragon
Top 8 Adam Fry Crane
Top 8 Brendon Stove Lion
Top 8 George Glover Unicorn
Top 16 Merlin Floyd Phoenix
Top 16 Cameron Popple Scorpion
Top 16 David Leslie Crab
Some quick win rates. The sample size is small. Note that Glen dodged Lion and Crane in his matchups both of which according to the win rates are horrible for Crab! Lies, damn lies, or statistics?
It looked like a good start for Scorpion with 3 in the top cut, but Glen’s Crab with Unicorn splash eventually won out. The top cut is much smaller compared to Birmingham but it is interesting to see Lion make an appearance. The top 16 for Birmingham was Crab, Scorpion, Crane, and Lion in that order. Here we see a top 4 with Crab, Scorpion, and Lion in that order. Perhaps Lion is biting at the heels of the top dogs?
There was also a proving grounds event with 36 players where 2 Scorpion, 2 Dragon, and 1 Lion finished at 5-1.

If you have any comments or feedback please post them in the comments section below. Join us on our Twitch stream every second Monday at 8pm BST, 9pm CEST, 1pm PST.

Check us out on the Imperial Advisor website, podcast, and YouTube channel for more discussion about the L5R LCG.

4 Replies to “Meta Check – Melbourne”

  1. Will there be info how players choose they restricted card list in a same way as was done in Birmingham post? 🙂

  2. Player skill also significantly counts. Perry is top 4th in Lotus Pavilion and now double hatamoto with Lion, his usual clan of choice (was Scorpion hatamoto in SF a couple of weeks ago). Glen and Ben played a tought and beautiful final, and all hatamotos and invitationals were much well deserved for players who have been competitive since old 5R. Australian playbase is strong mates!

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