Meta Check – Los Angeles

Meta Check – Los Angeles

The Los Angeles Kotei. A disappointing 21 people. No Elemental cycle yet.

Day 1

As the Elemental cycle has only started, none of those dynasty packs are legal. The tournament has a total of 21 participants. We’re going through the numbers to keep the record complete. Players need to go at least 2-2 to make it through to the second stage, after that they need to make 6-1 or better. I’ll add details as we get them.

It looks like numbers are: 4 Crab, 4 Crane, 4 Dragon, 4 Lion, 1 Phoenix, 3 Scorpion, and 1 Unicorn.


Two players made the qualification requirement of 53 points, along with them 6 challengers also go forward directly into the top 8. Unfortunately, the only Phoenix player in the tournament went 0-4 and didn’t make the magistrate stage.

Top players

  • 1. Edward Kim – Dragon – Hatamoto
  • 2. Tom Kirchgesner – Crab – Hatamoto
  • 3. Lynden Engelhard – Dragon
  • 5. Warren Snider – Crane – Hatamoto
  • 6. Riley White – Crab
  • 7. Broderick Engelhard – Lion – Hatamoto
  • 9. Jose Sahagan – Scorpion – Hatamoto
  • 16. Robert Jordan – Unicorn – Hatamoto


Day 2
The second day broke down as follows.
Congrats to Riley taking it for the Crab clan and making Hatamoto!

If you have any comments or feedback please post them in the comments section below. Join us on our Twitch stream every second Monday at 8pm BST, 9pm CEST, 1pm PST.

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11 Replies to “Meta Check – Los Angeles”

  1. This is what happens when you set a kotei at an unrelated convention, start it on a Friday, and put a $200+ barrier on attendance: you get terrible attendance. I was thinking to attend, but I couldn’t get 2 days off work. One to drive into downtown yesterday to get the Anime Expo badge and avoid purported multiple hour waits to pick it up today, then today off to actually attend. That, plus the insane cost for just a local kotei, made it impractical to attend. I hope the organizers learn from this and set it at a better location next time. I know of many more players in the Los Angeles area who wanted to attend, but couldn’t because of the scheduling and/or cost.

  2. Considering SoCal is the birthplace of Old5R and the home of AEG, you would think that the tournament here would have been easier to attend so we could at least give AEG the impression that the players are enjoying the new game

  3. Really disappointed with FFG here. As mentioned above this is an inconvenient venue with a steep price ticket. If they wanted to go this route why arent they doing what AEG did and making a storyline part of the the prize pool.

    1. My only disappointment with FFG is letting Cascade run all this. We know from the AMA that Cascade intentionally selected the convention circuit to ‘market the game’. Meanwhile in Europe Asmodee OP focused on running great tournaments instead. I can only assume Cascade did this to cut their own costs, but it has made a joke out of the US tournament scene.

      1. I totally agree with you.
        It’s very sad for US players.
        They deserve to have good events too.
        May be they should send a petition to FFG or do 0 player Kotei or boycott FFG product during two months in order to send a strong signal ?

      2. I wonder if they did this to cut their own costs, but ultimately did that backfire? Since low turnout means they make less money. If they went the route of having their own event, they may have to pay more, but then ultimately they may get 100s of people to attend. Not that they will admit it, but i’m curious to see what their thoughts are now, 20 something turnout is not only bad, its really pathetic.

  4. It’s complete bullshit, when you participate in these kind of events you generally don’t have a hell of a lot of time do anything other than compete, prepare to compete, or make sure basic human needs like bio/food/drink are in order. So what Cascade/FFG is saying is that we are completely fine with you shelling out exorbitant sums of money to support the competitive scene, despite the fact you aren’t getting full value for money.

    What happens if the focus of the con doesn’t really appeal to you, too bad you’re still out $50-100+

    If it does appeal to you, unless you drop early you have the massive time sink of competing in a tournament to contend with that will potentially end up consuming most of your time over multiple days…so you’re probably out money on that too as you can’t really enjoy the con and effectively double dip anyways.

    FFG/Cascade really need to get their house in order, yeah I get the marketing that was presented in the AMA…but 21 players at a major tournament isn’t a good look by any definition, unless the message you are trying to push is “Hey guys check out this sweet dying game!”

  5. Just want to say the CEO of cascade has already talked about holding these events at cons… and wants to move away from doing so for important FFG tournaments.

    1. That’s super important. When we first arrived and heard it was 18(updated to 21 after some on-site registration), there was a bit of disappointment. Hopefully Elemental 6×6 legality will change this with Houston.

  6. I live in Arizona, should help with context for this…

    I gave serious thought to going to LA, really I did. However to get an Anime Expo pass is $160 at the door, plus the expense of a rental car from Tucson AZ, $40 entry(which is reasonable), hotel.

    Lets compare that to next weekends event in Houston. Same entry, same rental car, cheaper hotel, and no pay wall. Seems like a no-brainer to me.

    Also I’ve already commited to going to Gencon, which is a much more expensive trip two weeks later. However lets be honest Gencon is so much more than an L5R trip, and two additional days if I dont feel like doing side events. Dont quite understand how they thought that this event was going to do well with that competition.

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