Each season culminates in the global gathering for Legend of the Five Rings that is Winter Court. This year we had a pretty wild meta with a number of big changes just before the event leaving the environment largely unexplored, add to that the convergence of players from environments all across the world and you’ve got a pretty exciting event.
The event started off with a ‘last chance qualifier‘ giving players who didn’t have any invite already a shot at getting a spot. Luckily for them, the event did actually have the capacity, so all players were able to qualify.
This tournament was tracked on Lotus Pavilion allowing us to easily look at the results and pairings and quickly generate charts. Consider supporting Lotus Pavilion at this Patreon page.
Then games kicked into the normal routine with two days of qualifiers (Day 1A and Day 1B) where players who got 42 points or better (and the top player of each clan below that) went on to the final day.
Prize support for this event was pretty impressive. These are designed by Wade Piche in FFG who has been doing some fantastic work for us L5R players and he’s been getting better and better at it.
These are just the participation prizes! And those rings and favor tokens are metal.
One interesting addition was Tyler running a new draft format for the game. There are a number of cards specifically for this format which hasn’t been released yet (we’re not sure if they will be at all), but players to managed to get some games with Tyler walked away with the following.
We believe rules on this new format will be released soon after Winter Court so people who are interested can get some games in. I think the hope is to give new players a way to discover the game without having to buy in straight away, so this might be a good tool to recruit new Samurai.
Day 1 A
Note – I don’t include challengers, so add an extra of each clan for the day 2 numbers.
Day 1A Hatamoto
Crab – Stephen Didion
Crane – Andrew Case
Dragon – Anthony Hunter Edwards
Lion – Aaron Boyd
Phoenix – Travis McDaniel
Scorpion – Erik Stenberg
Unicorn – Mychal Edwards
Day 1B
Note – I don’t include challengers, so add an extra of each clan for the day 2 numbers.
I believe the top 4 get Hatamoto if they didn’t already have it. Jose already did, but that still adds 3 more Hatamoto onto the list.
Matthew Beck – Phoenix
Zachary Lowe – Scorpion
Steve Palumbo – Scorpion
I believe these are the last Hatamoto of this season with the Hatamoto from the next event (on Sunday) as presumably part of the next season?
Our new Shogun is Jose Luis Saenz of the Phoenix clan
Story Choice
Jose decided that Toturi should investigate the attempt on his life and possible connections to the Emperor’s death, dragging the perpetrators into the light to foil their efforts.
Day1A + Day1B + the last few from Day2, so this is still missing some games.
The Roles Freed!
At the end of each Winter Court, the top players of each clan get to decide the next role their clan will get. Coming up to this, there were a few rumors and reports are that the top players asked for free roles rather than selecting roles. With all players in agreement, Tyler announced that roles are now free! So each clan can pick whatever role they want to play (but are still locked into the restriction of that role).
The team at BushiBuilder.com have been doing a great job compiling decklists here.
Jose Luis Saenz – Shogun – Phoenix
Winter Court 2019 – 1st Place
By: fleepa0
Kyūden Isawa (Disciples of the Void)
Seeker of Void
Kuroi Mori (Core)
Manicured Garden (Core)
Meditations on the Tao (Core)
Shameful Display (Core)
Upholding Authority (Tainted Lands)
Character (27)
3 Ethereal Dreamer (All and Nothing)
3 Solemn Scholar (Core)
3 Adept of the Waves (Core)
1 Asako Tsuki (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
3 Miya Mystic (Core)
3 Acolyte of Koyane (Justice for Satsume)
3 Shiba Yōjimbō (Core)
3 Isawa Ujina (Children of the Empire)
3 Prodigy of the Waves (Into the Forbidden City)
2 Hantei XXXVIII (Children of the Empire)
Holding (13)
2 Ancestral Shrine (Children of the Empire)
3 Favorable Ground (Core)
3 Forgotten Library (Core)
3 Imperial Storehouse (Core)
1 Kanjo District (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
Conflict (40)
Attachment (10)
2 Fine Katana (Core)
3 Ornate Fan (Core)
3 Cloud the Mind (Core)
2 Pacifism (Core)
Character (6)
3 Ancient Master (Breath of the Kami)
3 Isawa Tadaka (Bonds of Blood)
Event (24)
2 Banzai! (Core)
3 Censure (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Court Games (Core)
3 Let Go (Core)
3 Policy Debate (For Honor and Glory)
3 Supernatural Storm (Core)
3 Against the Waves (Core)
3 Clarity of Purpose (Disciples of the Void)
1 Display of Power (Core)
Kyūden Bayushi (Underhand of the Emperor)
Keeper of Air
Midnight Revels (Children of the Empire)
Night Raid (Core)
Pilgrimage (Core)
Secret Cache (Core)
Upholding Authority (Tainted Lands)
Character (32)
3 Alibi Artist (Underhand of the Emperor)
3 Bayushi Liar (Core)
2 Court Novice (Tainted Lands)
3 Blackmail Artist (Core)
3 Keeper Initiate (Core)
3 Miya Mystic (Core)
3 Seppun Truthseeker (Underhand of the Emperor)
3 Bayushi Dairu (Masters of the Court)
3 Favored Niece (Core)
3 Bayushi Aramoro (Underhand of the Emperor)
3 Shosuro Ibuki (Justice for Satsume)
Holding (8)
3 Favorable Ground (Core)
1 Hidden Moon Dōjō (The Ebb and Flow)
3 Imperial Storehouse (Core)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
Conflict (40)
Attachment (2)
2 Mark of Shame (All and Nothing)
Character (6)
3 Goblin Sneak (Tears of Amaterasu)
2 Shosuro Sadako (All and Nothing)
1 Shosuro Miyako (Justice for Satsume)
Event (32)
2 Assassination (Core)
3 Backhanded Compliment (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
3 Censure (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Court Games (Core)
1 Duty (Underhand of the Emperor)
3 For Shame! (Core)
3 Forged Edict (Core)
2 Stay Your Hand (Children of the Empire)
3 Way of the Scorpion (Core)
3 Calling in Favors (Core)
3 Noble Sacrifice (Core)
3 Soul Beyond Reproach (The Ebb and Flow)
Winter Court 2019 – Third Place – SoV Phoenix / Five Fires
By: Algahra
Kyūden Isawa (Disciples of the Void)
Seeker of Void
Kuroi Mori (Core)
Manicured Garden (Core)
Midnight Revels (Children of the Empire)
Shameful Display (Core)
Upholding Authority (Tainted Lands)
Character (29)
3 Ethereal Dreamer (All and Nothing)
3 Solemn Scholar (Core)
3 Adept of the Waves (Core)
2 Asako Tsuki (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
3 Miya Mystic (Core)
3 Acolyte of Koyane (Justice for Satsume)
3 Shiba Yōjimbō (Core)
3 Isawa Ujina (Children of the Empire)
3 Master of Gisei Toshi (Fate Has No Secrets)
3 Prodigy of the Waves (Into the Forbidden City)
Holding (11)
3 Ancestral Shrine (Children of the Empire)
3 Favorable Ground (Core)
3 Forgotten Library (Core)
1 Kanjo District (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
Conflict (40)
Attachment (9)
3 Fine Katana (Core)
3 Ornate Fan (Core)
3 Cloud the Mind (Core)
Character (7)
3 Ancient Master (Breath of the Kami)
2 Feral Ningyo (Tainted Lands)
2 Isawa Tadaka (Bonds of Blood)
Event (24)
2 Banzai! (Core)
3 Censure (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Court Games (Core)
3 Let Go (Core)
3 Supernatural Storm (Core)
3 Against the Waves (Core)
3 Clarity of Purpose (Disciples of the Void)
2 Display of Power (Core)
2 Consumed by Five Fires (Fate Has No Secrets)
City of the Open Hand (Core)
Keeper of Air
Effective Deception (Justice for Satsume)
Meditations on the Tao (Core)
Rally to the Cause (Core)
Secret Cache (Core)
Shameful Display (Core)
Character (33)
3 Alibi Artist (Underhand of the Emperor)
3 Bayushi Liar (Core)
3 Bayushi Manipulator (Core)
2 Blackmail Artist (Core)
3 Keeper Initiate (Core)
2 Miya Mystic (Core)
3 Seppun Truthseeker (Underhand of the Emperor)
3 Shameless Gossip (For the Empire)
2 Favored Niece (Core)
2 Fawning Diplomat (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
3 Hantei Sotorii (For the Empire)
2 Shosuro Ibuki (Justice for Satsume)
2 Bayushi Shoju (Core)
Holding (7)
2 Favorable Ground (Core)
1 Hidden Moon Dōjō (The Ebb and Flow)
3 Imperial Storehouse (Core)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
Conflict (40)
Attachment (3)
3 Mark of Shame (All and Nothing)
Character (4)
2 Goblin Sneak (Tears of Amaterasu)
2 Shosuro Miyako (Justice for Satsume)
Event (33)
3 Assassination (Core)
3 Backhanded Compliment (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
2 Banzai! (Core)
1 Censure (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Court Games (Core)
1 Duty (Underhand of the Emperor)
3 For Shame! (Core)
2 Voice of Honor (Core)
3 Way of the Scorpion (Core)
2 Calling in Favors (Core)
2 Kirei-ko (Children of the Empire)
2 Noble Sacrifice (Core)
2 Soul Beyond Reproach (The Ebb and Flow)
1 I Can Swim (Core)
3 A Fate Worse Than Death (Fate Has No Secrets)
Deck Built using https://www.bushibuilder.com
Aaron Frede – Top 8 – Unicorn
Winter Court Top 8
By: AFrede
Hisu Mori Toride (Elements Unbound)
Keeper of Earth
Appealing to the Fortunes (All and Nothing)
Demonstrating Excellence (Breath of the Kami)
Endless Plains (Core)
Entrenched Position (Core)
Khan’s Ordu (Warriors of the Wind)
Character (33)
3 Child of the Plains (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Moto Youth (Core)
3 Border Rider (Core)
3 Keeper Initiate (Core)
3 Shinjo Gunsō (Justice for Satsume)
3 Shinjo Trailblazer (Warriors of the Wind)
3 Moto Nergüi (Disciples of the Void)
3 Utaku Tetsuko (Underhand of the Emperor)
3 Minami Kaze Regulars (Elements Unbound)
3 Moto Chagatai (Warriors of the Wind)
3 Shinjo Altansarnai (Core)
Holding (7)
1 Imperial Storehouse (Core)
3 Shiotome Encampment (Breath of the Kami)
3 Windswept Yurt (Tears of Amaterasu)
Conflict (41)
Attachment (6)
3 Curved Blade (Warriors of the Wind)
3 Fine Katana (Core)
Character (7)
3 Iuchi Wayfinder (Core)
3 Shinjo Ambusher (Children of the Empire)
1 Shinomen Wayfinders (Warriors of the Wind)
Event (28)
2 A Perfect Cut (For the Empire)
2 Assassination (Core)
3 Banzai! (Core)
3 Captive Audience (Core)
3 Ready for Battle (Core)
3 Spoils of War (Warriors of the Wind)
3 Charge! (Core)
3 Strength in Numbers (Core)
3 Unfulfilled Duty (Bonds of Blood)
3 Cavalry Reserves (Core)
Definetely new and surprising deck that was Top Crab in Worlds (Top 8 and 6-0 during swiss)
By: Pintorpin
Shiro Nishiyama (Core)
Keeper of Air
Illustrious Forge (Children of the Empire)
Manicured Garden (Core)
Midnight Revels (Children of the Empire)
Shameful Display (Core)
Upholding Authority (Tainted Lands)
Holding (11)
3 Favorable Ground (Core)
3 Imperial Storehouse (Core)
3 Iron Mine (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
1 Karada District (Tears of Amaterasu)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
Conflict (40)
Attachment (23)
2 Fine Katana (Core)
3 Ornate Fan (Core)
2 Favored Mount (Core)
3 Finger of Jade (Tears of Amaterasu)
3 Reprieve (Core)
3 Spyglass (Core)
1 Talisman of the Sun (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
3 Watch Commander (Core)
3 Jade Tetsubō (Core)
Character (3)
3 Hiruma Skirmisher (Into the Forbidden City)
Event (14)
2 Banzai! (Core)
3 Court Games (Core)
3 Defend Your Honor (Children of the Empire)
3 Gaijin Customs (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
3 The Mountain Does Not Fall (Core)
Trailblazer – Worlds 2019 top 16
By: action_johnny
Hisu Mori Toride (Elements Unbound)
Keeper of Water
Border Fortress (Tainted Lands)
Endless Plains (Core)
Khan’s Ordu (Warriors of the Wind)
Pilgrimage (Core)
Upholding Authority (Tainted Lands)
Character (34)
3 Moto Youth (Core)
3 Border Rider (Core)
3 Keeper Initiate (Core)
3 Miya Mystic (Core)
3 Shinjo Gunsō (Justice for Satsume)
2 Shinjo Trailblazer (Warriors of the Wind)
2 Master of the Swift Waves (The Ebb and Flow)
2 Moto Nergüi (Disciples of the Void)
3 Utaku Tetsuko (Underhand of the Emperor)
2 Shinjo Kyōra (For the Empire)
3 Shinjo Shono (Breath of the Kami)
2 Minami Kaze Regulars (Elements Unbound)
3 Moto Chagatai (Warriors of the Wind)
Holding (6)
3 Shiotome Encampment (Breath of the Kami)
3 Windswept Yurt (Tears of Amaterasu)
Conflict (41)
Attachment (11)
3 Curved Blade (Warriors of the Wind)
3 Fine Katana (Core)
2 Cloud the Mind (Core)
2 Talisman of the Sun (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
1 Adorned Barcha (For the Empire)
Character (9)
3 Iuchi Wayfinder (Core)
3 Shinjo Ambusher (Children of the Empire)
3 Tattooed Wanderer (Core)
Event (21)
1 Assassination (Core)
3 Banzai! (Core)
3 Captive Audience (Core)
2 Defend Your Honor (Children of the Empire)
3 Let Go (Core)
3 Spoils of War (Warriors of the Wind)
3 Charge! (Core)
3 Cavalry Reserves (Core)
Isawa Mori Seidō (Core)
Support of the Lion
Manicured Garden (Core)
Rally to the Cause (Core)
Sanpuku Seidō (Disciples of the Void)
Shameful Display (Core)
Upholding Authority (Tainted Lands)
Character (30)
3 Solemn Scholar (Core)
3 Miya Mystic (Core)
3 Acolyte of Koyane (Justice for Satsume)
3 Haughty Magistrate (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
3 Seppun Ishikawa (Fate Has No Secrets)
3 Serene Warrior (Core)
3 Hantei Sotorii (For the Empire)
3 Prodigy of the Waves (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Akodo Toturi (Children of the Empire)
3 Shiba Tsukune (Core)
Holding (10)
2 Ancestral Shrine (Children of the Empire)
3 Favorable Ground (Core)
3 Forgotten Library (Core)
1 Kanjo District (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
Conflict (40)
Attachment (9)
2 Fine Katana (Core)
2 Cloud the Mind (Core)
2 Pacifism (Core)
3 Sashimono (Core)
Character (2)
2 Isawa Tadaka (Bonds of Blood)
Event (29)
2 Banzai! (Core)
3 Censure (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Court Games (Core)
3 Honor in Battle (The Emperor’s Legion)
3 Purity of Spirit (For the Empire)
2 Ready for Battle (Core)
3 The Path of Man (Disciples of the Void)
3 Charge! (Core)
3 Clarity of Purpose (Disciples of the Void)
2 Strength in Numbers (Core)
2 Display of Power (Core)
Yanik Richard Worlds 2019 (Crane Hatamoto, Top 16)
By: Anonymous
Kyūden Kakita (Masters of the Court)
Keeper of Air
Magistrate Station (Elements Unbound)
Manicured Garden (Core)
Midnight Revels (Children of the Empire)
Shameful Display (Core)
Upholding Authority (Tainted Lands)
Character (33)
2 Callow Delegate (All and Nothing)
3 Doji Whisperer (Core)
3 Brash Samurai (Core)
1 Daidoji Nerishma (Core)
3 Keeper Initiate (Core)
3 Doji Challenger (Core)
3 Asahina Takamori (Masters of the Court)
2 Doji Kuzunobu (The Emperor’s Legion)
2 Hantei Sotorii (For the Empire)
1 Iron Crane Legion (The Children of Heaven)
3 Kakita Toshimoko (Children of the Empire)
2 Doji Kuwanan (Justice for Satsume)
3 Kakita Yoshi (Into the Forbidden City)
2 Tengu Sensei (Elements Unbound)
Holding (7)
3 Favorable Ground (Core)
3 Kakita Dōjō (Children of the Empire)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
Conflict (41)
Attachment (6)
3 Fine Katana (Core)
3 Mark of Shame (All and Nothing)
Character (5)
1 Meek Informant (Tears of Amaterasu)
1 Young Harrier (Fate Has No Secrets)
2 Political Rival (Core)
1 Shosuro Miyako (Justice for Satsume)
Event (30)
1 Assassination (Core)
3 Banzai! (Core)
2 Court Games (Core)
3 Defend Your Honor (Children of the Empire)
2 Gossip (Masters of the Court)
3 Policy Debate (For Honor and Glory)
3 Voice of Honor (Core)
3 Way of the Crane (Core)
3 Calling in Favors (Core)
2 Duel to the Death (Bonds of Blood)
2 Noble Sacrifice (Core)
3 Soul Beyond Reproach (The Ebb and Flow)
Deck Built using https://www.bushibuilder.com
Erik Baalhuis – Top 16 – Crane
Kyūden Kakita
Seeker of Void
Manicured Garden Air
Entrenched Position Earth
Magistrate Station Fire
Pilgrimage Void
Shameful Display Void
2x Esteemed Tea House
3x Favorable Ground
3x Imperial Storehouse
3x Kakita Dōjō
1x The Imperial Palace
Conflict Deck (40)
Event (19)
3x Banzai!
3x Court Games
1x Gossip
3x Let Go ///// /
3x Policy Debate
3x Voice of Honor
3x Way of the Crane
Attachment (18)
3x A New Name
1x Daimyō’s Gunbai
3x Duelist Training
3x Fine Katana
3x Formal Invitation
1x Hawk Tattoo //
1x Kakita Blade
3x Ornate Fan
Character (3)
1x Ancient Master /
2x Political Rival
Arash Afghahi – Top 32 – Dragon
Crab splash – Clone
By: Arash Afghahi
Mountain’s Anvil Castle (Core)
Seeker of Air
Manicured Garden (Core)
Restoration of Balance (Core)
Sacred Sanctuary (Breath of the Kami)
Shameful Display (Core)
Upholding Authority (Tainted Lands)
Character (33)
3 Doomed Shugenja (Core)
3 Togashi Initiate (Core)
3 Agasha Swordsmith (Core)
3 Miya Mystic (Core)
3 Kitsuki Investigator (Core)
2 Kitsuki Yuikimi (Bonds of Blood)
3 Mirumoto Raitsugu (Core)
2 Tranquil Philosopher (Children of the Empire)
2 Master Alchemist (The Fires Within)
3 Niten Master (Core)
3 Togashi Mitsu (All and Nothing)
3 Togashi Yokuni (Core)
Holding (7)
3 Favorable Ground (Core)
3 Imperial Storehouse (Core)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
Conflict (40)
Attachment (23)
3 Fine Katana (Core)
2 Ornate Fan (Core)
3 Seal of the Dragon (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
3 Sharpened Tsuruhashi (The Children of Heaven)
1 Ancestral Daishō (Core)
3 Cloud the Mind (Core)
3 Finger of Jade (Tears of Amaterasu)
2 Hawk Tattoo (The Ebb and Flow)
3 Reprieve (Core)
Character (3)
3 Tattooed Wanderer (Core)
Event (14)
2 Banzai! (Core)
3 Court Games (Core)
3 Hurricane Punch (Breath of the Kami)
3 Let Go (Core)
3 Void Fist (All and Nothing)
Hisu Mori Toride (Elements Unbound)
Keeper of Water
Fertile Fields (Core)
Khan’s Ordu (Warriors of the Wind)
Midnight Revels (Children of the Empire)
Shameful Display (Core)
Upholding Authority (Tainted Lands)
Character (34)
2 Child of the Plains (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Moto Youth (Core)
3 Border Rider (Core)
2 Miya Mystic (Core)
3 Shinjo Gunsō (Justice for Satsume)
3 Shinjo Trailblazer (Warriors of the Wind)
2 Master of the Swift Waves (The Ebb and Flow)
2 Moto Nergüi (Disciples of the Void)
3 Utaku Tetsuko (Underhand of the Emperor)
2 Iuchi Daiyu (Warriors of the Wind)
3 Shinjo Shono (Breath of the Kami)
2 Minami Kaze Regulars (Elements Unbound)
3 Moto Chagatai (Warriors of the Wind)
1 Shinjo Altansarnai (Core)
Holding (6)
3 Shiotome Encampment (Breath of the Kami)
3 Windswept Yurt (Tears of Amaterasu)
Conflict (40)
Attachment (10)
3 Curved Blade (Warriors of the Wind)
3 Fine Katana (Core)
2 Cloud the Mind (Core)
2 Talisman of the Sun (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
Character (9)
3 Iuchi Wayfinder (Core)
3 Shinjo Ambusher (Children of the Empire)
3 Tattooed Wanderer (Core)
Event (21)
1 Assassination (Core)
3 Banzai! (Core)
3 Captive Audience (Core)
2 Defend Your Honor (Children of the Empire)
3 Let Go (Core)
3 Spoils of War (Warriors of the Wind)
3 Charge! (Core)
3 Cavalry Reserves (Core)
Shiro Nishiyama (Core)
Seeker of Void
Defend the Wall (Core)
Manicured Garden (Core)
Midnight Revels (Children of the Empire)
Pilgrimage (Core)
Shameful Display (Core)
Character (29)
3 Kaiu Envoy (Core)
2 Miya Mystic (Core)
3 Shrewd Yasuki (Core)
3 Vanguard Warrior (Core)
3 Siege Captain (Children of the Empire)
3 Hantei Sotorii (For the Empire)
3 Kaiu Shuichi (Core)
3 Steadfast Witch Hunter (Core)
3 Akodo Toturi (Children of the Empire)
3 Hida Kisada (Core)
Holding (11)
3 Favorable Ground (Core)
3 Imperial Storehouse (Core)
3 Iron Mine (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
1 Karada District (Tears of Amaterasu)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
Conflict (40)
Attachment (12)
2 Fine Katana (Core)
3 Ornate Fan (Core)
2 Finger of Jade (Tears of Amaterasu)
3 Reprieve (Core)
2 Jade Tetsubō (Core)
Character (6)
3 Hiruma Skirmisher (Into the Forbidden City)
2 Nezumi Infiltrator (The Ebb and Flow)
1 Kami Unleashed (Disciples of the Void)
Event (22)
1 Assassination (Core)
3 Banzai! (Core)
2 Censure (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Court Games (Core)
3 Purity of Spirit (For the Empire)
3 Charge! (Core)
2 Clarity of Purpose (Disciples of the Void)
3 The Mountain Does Not Fall (Core)
2 Way of the Crab (Core)
Kyūden Isawa (Disciples of the Void)
Seeker of Void
Kuroi Mori (Core)
Manicured Garden (Core)
Meditations on the Tao (Core)
Shameful Display (Core)
Upholding Authority (Tainted Lands)
Character (27)
3 Ethereal Dreamer (All and Nothing)
3 Solemn Scholar (Core)
3 Adept of the Waves (Core)
1 Asako Tsuki (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
3 Miya Mystic (Core)
3 Acolyte of Koyane (Justice for Satsume)
3 Shiba Yōjimbō (Core)
3 Isawa Ujina (Children of the Empire)
3 Prodigy of the Waves (Into the Forbidden City)
2 Hantei XXXVIII (Children of the Empire)
Holding (13)
2 Ancestral Shrine (Children of the Empire)
3 Favorable Ground (Core)
3 Forgotten Library (Core)
3 Imperial Storehouse (Core)
1 Kanjo District (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
Conflict (40)
Attachment (11)
3 Fine Katana (Core)
3 Ornate Fan (Core)
3 Cloud the Mind (Core)
2 Pacifism (Core)
Character (5)
3 Ancient Master (Breath of the Kami)
2 Isawa Tadaka (Bonds of Blood)
Event (24)
1 Banzai! (Core)
3 Censure (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Court Games (Core)
3 Let Go (Core)
3 Policy Debate (For Honor and Glory)
3 Supernatural Storm (Core)
3 Against the Waves (Core)
3 Clarity of Purpose (Disciples of the Void)
2 Display of Power (Core)
Deck Built using https://www.bushibuilder.com
Jared Wright – Day 2 – Crab
PaciFISTS not Pacifists
By: MoZi (Jared Wright)
Shiro Nishiyama (Core)
Seeker of Void
Defend the Wall (Core)
Fertile Fields (Core)
Midnight Revels (Children of the Empire)
Pilgrimage (Core)
Shameful Display (Core)
Character (30)
2 Hida Guardian (Core)
3 Kaiu Envoy (Core)
2 Miya Mystic (Core)
3 Shrewd Yasuki (Core)
2 Student of Anatomies (The Children of Heaven)
3 Vanguard Warrior (Core)
3 Yasuki Hikaru (The Emperor’s Legion)
3 Kaiu Shuichi (Core)
3 Steadfast Witch Hunter (Core)
3 Akodo Toturi (Children of the Empire)
3 Hida Kisada (Core)
Holding (10)
3 Favorable Ground (Core)
2 Imperial Storehouse (Core)
3 Iron Mine (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
1 Karada District (Tears of Amaterasu)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
Character (6)
3 Ancient Master (Breath of the Kami)
3 Hiruma Skirmisher (Into the Forbidden City)
Event (22)
1 Assassination (Core)
3 Banzai! (Core)
3 Censure (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Court Games (Core)
3 Let Go (Core)
3 Charge! (Core)
3 The Mountain Does Not Fall (Core)
3 Way of the Crab (Core)
1x Ambush
3x Assassination
3x Backhanded Compliment
3x Banzai!
2x Calling in Favors
1x Censure
3x Court Games
1x Duty
3x For Shame!
3x Forged Edict
1x I Can Swim
2x Kirei-ko
2x Noble Sacrifice ////
3x Soul Beyond Reproach ///// /
1x Voice of Honor //
3x Way of the Scorpion
Attachment (3)
3x Mark of Shame
Character (3)
1x Adept of Shadows
2x Bayushi Collector
Gunnar Traustason – Day 2 – Dragon
L5R Worlds 2019 – Gunnar Traustason
By: Togashi Komhl
Mountain’s Anvil Castle (Core)
Keeper of Water
Before the Throne (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
Midnight Revels (Children of the Empire)
Restoration of Balance (Core)
Shameful Display (Core)
Upholding Authority (Tainted Lands)
Character (31)
3 Doomed Shugenja (Core)
3 Togashi Initiate (Core)
2 Togashi Yoshi (The Children of Heaven)
3 Agasha Swordsmith (Core)
3 Miya Mystic (Core)
3 Kitsuki Investigator (Core)
2 Kitsuki Shomon (Underhand of the Emperor)
2 Kitsuki Yuikimi (Bonds of Blood)
3 Mirumoto Raitsugu (Core)
3 Tranquil Philosopher (Children of the Empire)
3 Mirumoto Hitomi (Children of the Empire)
1 Togashi Yokuni (Core)
Holding (9)
3 Favorable Ground (Core)
3 Mirumoto Dōjō (Children of the Empire)
3 Proving Ground (Children of the Empire)
Conflict (41)
Attachment (15)
2 Daimyō’s Favor (Core)
2 Cloud the Mind (Core)
3 Duelist Training (Core)
3 Finger of Jade (Tears of Amaterasu)
2 Hawk Tattoo (The Ebb and Flow)
3 Mirumoto Daishō (Children of the Empire)
Character (6)
3 Tattooed Wanderer (Core)
1 Niten Pupil (Bonds of Blood)
2 Togashi Kazue (Core)
Event (20)
1 Assassination (Core)
3 Banzai! (Core)
3 Defend Your Honor (Children of the Empire)
1 Good Omen (Core)
3 Let Go (Core)
3 Policy Debate (For Honor and Glory)
3 Rising Stars Kata (The Children of Heaven)
3 Game of Sadane (All and Nothing)
Kyūden Isawa (Disciples of the Void)
Seeker of Void
Kuroi Mori (Core)
Manicured Garden (Core)
Meditations on the Tao (Core)
Shameful Display (Core)
Upholding Authority (Tainted Lands)
Character (27)
3 Ethereal Dreamer (All and Nothing)
3 Solemn Scholar (Core)
3 Adept of the Waves (Core)
2 Asako Tsuki (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
3 Miya Mystic (Core)
2 Acolyte of Koyane (Justice for Satsume)
3 Shiba Yōjimbō (Core)
2 Isawa Atsuko (Core)
3 Isawa Ujina (Children of the Empire)
3 Master of Gisei Toshi (Fate Has No Secrets)
Holding (13)
2 Ancestral Shrine (Children of the Empire)
3 Favorable Ground (Core)
3 Forgotten Library (Core)
3 Imperial Storehouse (Core)
1 Kanjo District (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
Conflict (40)
Attachment (9)
3 Fine Katana (Core)
3 Ornate Fan (Core)
3 Cloud the Mind (Core)
Character (6)
3 Ancient Master (Breath of the Kami)
3 Isawa Tadaka (Bonds of Blood)
Event (25)
3 Banzai! (Core)
3 Censure (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Court Games (Core)
3 Let Go (Core)
3 Supernatural Storm (Core)
3 Against the Waves (Core)
3 Clarity of Purpose (Disciples of the Void)
2 Display of Power (Core)
2 Consumed by Five Fires (Fate Has No Secrets)
Deck Built using https://www.bushibuilder.com
Aaron Boyd – Day 2 – Lion
Kyūden Ikoma
Seeker of Air
Before the Throne Air
Demonstrating Excellence Air
Dishonorable Assault Fire
Shameful Display Void
The Art of War Water
3x Censure
1x Command Respect
2x Court Games
2x Even the Odds
3x Forebearer’s Echoes
2x Good Omen
3x Prepare for War
1x Right Hand of the Emperor
2x Spoils of War ////
3x Strength in Numbers
Attachment (18)
3x Adorned Barcha ///// /
3x Blade of 10,000 Battles
3x Fan of Command
3x Honored Blade
3x Sashimono
3x Tactical Ingenuity
If you have any comments or feedback please post them in the comments section below. Check us out on the Imperial Advisor website, podcast, and YouTubechannel for more discussion about the L5R LCG.
19 Replies to “Winter Court 2019”
Notes for later
Gunnar’s Dragon deck
Aaron’s top 8 Unicorn
Top 64 Scorpion
Winning Phoenix https://bushibuilder.com/l5r/deck/?deck=d8488fbf-03c9-11ea-be04-020c407d2d9d&public=y
Thank you!
The Zachary Lowe deck is incorrect as he was using Kyuden Bayushi as his stronghold
Good spot, I was pushing my luck assuming Zah was for Zachary ><
No worries, glad I could help and I’m going to thank you for the thankless job you have of compiling these decks 🙂
My top64 Phoenix Bushi if you guys are interested in posting. Thanks!
Nice! Great to see Phoenix Bushi doing well
The top 8 scorpion (Zah) is me, I didn’t put my name because I forgot lol.
Darren’s deck is, uh, not the Clan you’re thinking of.
On that note, would love to see more of the Crane lists – a fair few made it into Top 16.
Unfortunately Baz doesn’t have the lists- they need to be provided somewhere for him to be able to post them here.
I blame Darren!
My top 64 Honor Crane deck
Yanik Richard top 16 and crane hatamoto deck
Day 2 Dragon deck
Does anyone know pablo pintor espinosa’s list (top8 crab)? thank you all
It’s already listed but here’s my Top 32 Unicorn Deck (Mychal Edwards – Day 1A Hatamoto)