Author: ImperialAdvisor

Elemental Cycle – Unicorn

Elemental Cycle – Unicorn

In this article we look at the Unicorn cards in the Elemental Cycle. This is a pretty important cycle for Unicorn and hopefully should bring them up to a competitive level where Unicorn players will be able to win a tournament. To add a Unicorn perspective we have Milán Terék aka Leenath, who is currently the top ranked Unicorn player on the Discord rankings and went 5-2 during the Swiss at Birmingham getting Unicorn Hatamoto. If you enjoy the article, consider donating to the fund to get him to worlds!

Elemental Cycle – Phoenix

Elemental Cycle – Phoenix

In this article we look at the Phoenix cards in the Elemental Cycle. Phoenix has had a bit of a rollercoaster with the Clan pack, some poor tournament results after that, and recently some success. One of those successful players is Travis McDaniel who was second place at Origins and Gencon. Travis was one of the first Phoenix Hatamoto at Gencon 2017 and achieved the title another 3 times in the Toshi Ranbo season.