Meta Check – San Francisco

Meta Check – San Francisco

Golden Gate Bridge Bay San Francisco California

This is one of two events happening this weekend. At last, the Kotei season is kicking off in America and we have a chance to see what the meta is currently like over there. These will be the last two events before the restricted list, so it’ll be our last chance to judge the post-disciples pre-restricted list environment.

This event started off with a proving grounds tournament with 24 players on Friday. The winning, undefeated deck, was Dragon played by Davis Tower Kingsley who was Dragon Hatamoto at Worlds. Let’s see if he can keep up that winning streak into the main tournament.

Stream is up at (thanks to Mel and the team) with a commentary on (thanks to Travis and the team).

Watch live video from TravisFightsDragons on
San Fran Attendance

At the end of day 2 there were a total of 4 players who qualified all with a 6-1 record.

San Francisco Qualifiers
San Francisco Qualification Rates

So we have 11 players going into day 2.

1. John Perry – Scorpion
2. Andrew De Jesus – Lion
3. Alex Dunseth – Crab
4. Davis Kingsley – Dragon
5. Philip Huang – Dragon
6. Evan Gibbs-Forrester – Phoenix
8. Kris MacLennan – Crab
15. Andrew Kim – Crane
17. Jo Chang – Scorpion
18. Brandon Snyder – Lion
?. Kenneth Cromack – Unicorn


Day 2

Position Name Faction
Winner Alex Dunseth Crab
Top 2 Philip Huang Dragon
Top 4 John Perry Scorpion
Top 4 Kris MacLennan Crab
Top 8 Jo Chang Scorpion
Top 8 Davis Kingsley Dragon
Top 8 Andrew De Jesus Lion
Top 8 Evan Gibbs-Forrester Phoenix
Top 16 Andrew Kim Crane
Top 16 Brandon Synder Lion
Top 16 Kenneth Cromack Unicorn

If you have any comments or feedback please post them in the comments section below. Join us on our Twitch stream every second Monday at 8pm BST, 9pm CEST, 1pm PST.

Check us out on the Imperial Advisor website, podcast, and YouTube channel for more discussion about the L5R LCG.

11 Replies to “Meta Check – San Francisco”

    1. Damnit, I knew that! Thanks for pointing it out. It’ll be updated in the charts in the next update.

  1. Confused – you have Unicorn as both being eliminated in the top 16 and winning their play-in game to make the top eight…

    1. In events around the size, the cut is always going to give the impression of being balanced, as you’ll see a handful of automatic qualifiers and the seven Clan Challengers, which essentially forces diversity. It’s probably more accurate to take a look at the final Swiss standings as a whole and see what the composition of the sixteen top finishers was.

  2. Just want to mention that the Crab players at this Kotei were all pretty skilled – all 6 finished in the top 16 swiss overall, with one at 6-1 and three at 5-2.

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