Meta Check – Atlanta Kotei

Meta Check – Atlanta Kotei

Downtown Atlanta skyline at dusk

This weekend we have the Atlanta Kotei. This is the first tournament with the new Crane pack legal and the new restricted list in place, so the results should be an insight into events going forward.

Attendance so far seems to be around 39 players. The event is currently up on Best Coast Pairings. There are still around 25% of the clans unlisted but currently it seems to fair Crane and Unicorn who both have had the recent clan packs.

So, first update is to delay a few of the difficulties the team have had. It seems there was originally a cap of around 44 which people weren’t aware of, so players turned up to be initially told there wasn’t any room left. Luckily Cascade sorted this out and expanded the space (mugging the X-Wing players we think), ending up with a much healthier 51 players. Then the BCP server they were using crashed, not really sure what happened but it looks like the central server they use for all the games is… gone? Either way, our sympathies to the teams on the floor.

The tournament has started and is currently under way. It looks like they’re using Lotus Pavilion with the event posted here. No clans listed yet, but at least we’re seeing games tracked.

At the end of the first day, 5 players made the required 5-1 or better score.

It appears the policy is now to always pad the second day out to the top 8, while this wasn’t always the case it’s definitely good to see. Erick Leong who was one of the two Crane already qualified was unable to make it the second day so another 4 players were added. Bracket available here. The 8 players going ahead to day two are:

  • 1. Alexander Diaz – Crab – Hatamoto
  • 2. Mark Armitage – Scorpion – Hatamoto
  • 3. Nick Mason – Crane – Hatamoto
  • 5. Daniel Schroder – Crab
  • 6. Jeremy Spencer – Phoenix – Hatamoto
  • 7. Steve Palumbo – Scorpion
  • 8. James Lewin – Dragon – Hatamoto
  • 9. Nick Downing – Crane

That leaves the top Lion and Unicorn top of clans for Hatamoto.

  • 11. MYChal Edwards – Unicorn – Hatamoto
  • 15. Charles Delux – Lion – Hatamoto

Congrats to Steve on winning with Scorpion!

You can check out videos of it on HissouGaming Twitch

The new environment is looking pretty interesting. Out of the 7 clans, 5 made the top 8 with only Unicorn and Lion not making it. The Unicorn haven’t managed to turn their new pack into results while the Crane have had success but not enough to push them over the line. Phoenix are maybe a little behind that, although they were hit by the restricted list and errata they still have some pretty good matchups, all apart from the Scorpion. Scorpion appear to be in a good position, but not without some weakness. Similar with Crab.

Hopefully we’ll start seeing some deck lists soon!

Steve Palumbo's Winning Scorpion Deck
City of the Open Hand (Core Set)
1 Keeper of Air (Core Set)

1 Secret Cache (Core Set)
1 Upholding Authority (Tainted Lands)
1 Pilgrimage (Core Set)
1 Abandoning Honor (The Fires Within)
1 Midnight Revels (Children of the Empire)

3 Alibi Artist (Underhand of the Emperor)
3 Bayushi Liar (Core Set)
2 Bayushi Manipulator (Core Set)
2 Blackmail Artist (Core Set)
2 Favored Niece (Core Set)
3 Fawning Diplomat (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
2 Ignoble Enforcers (Underhand of the Emperor)
3 Seppun Truthseeker (Underhand of the Emperor)
3 Soshi Illusionist (Core Set)
2 City of Lies (Core Set)
1 Hidden Moon Dōjō (The Ebb and Flow)
3 Imperial Storehouse (Core Set)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
3 Loyal Challenger (Children of the Empire)
3 Keeper Initiate (Core Set)
2 Righteous Magistrate (Children of the Empire)
2 Miya Mystic (Core Set)

3 A Fate Worse Than Death (Fate Has No Secrets)
3 Assassination (Core Set)
3 Backhanded Compliment (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
2 Calling in Favors (Core Set)
3 Censure (Into the Forbidden City)
1 Contingency Plan (Core Set)
3 Court Games (Core Set)
3 Display of Power (Core Set)
1 Duty (Underhand of the Emperor)
2 For Shame! (Core Set)
1 Peasant’s Advice (Underhand of the Emperor)
3 Way of the Scorpion (Core Set)
1 Bayushi Kachiko (Into the Forbidden City)
2 Meek Informant (Tears of Amaterasu)
1 Goblin Sneak (Tears of Amaterasu)
2 Cunning Magistrate (Fate Has No Secrets)
1 I Can Swim (Core Set)
1 Maze of Illusion (Breath of the Kami)
2 Mark of Shame (All and Nothing)
2 All and Nothing (All and Nothing)

James Lewin's Top 4 Dragon Deck
punch o’clock
By: Ggoing

Mountain’s Anvil Castle (Core)
Keeper of Water
Meditations on the Tao (Core)
Midnight Revels (Children of the Empire)
Sacred Sanctuary (Breath of the Kami)
Shameful Display (Core)
Vassal Fields (Children of the Empire)

Character (33)
3 Doomed Shugenja (Core)
3 Togashi Initiate (Core)
2 Togashi Mendicant (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
3 Agasha Swordsmith (Core)
3 Keeper Initiate (Core)
3 Miya Mystic (Core)
3 Kitsuki Investigator (Core)
3 Mirumoto Raitsugu (Core)
2 Tranquil Philosopher (Children of the Empire)
2 Master Alchemist (The Fires Within)
3 Togashi Mitsu (All and Nothing)
3 Togashi Yokuni (Core)

Holding (7)
3 Favorable Ground (Core)
3 Imperial Storehouse (Core)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)

Conflict (40)
Attachment (16)
3 Fine Katana (Core)
3 Seal of the Dragon (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
1 Ancestral Daishō (Core)
3 Cloud the Mind (Core)
3 Finger of Jade (Tears of Amaterasu)
3 Reprieve (Core)

Character (5)
2 Hiruma Skirmisher (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Tattooed Wanderer (Core)

Event (19)
2 Banzai! (Core)
3 Court Games (Core)
2 Defend Your Honor (Children of the Empire)
3 Hurricane Punch (Breath of the Kami)
3 Let Go (Core)
3 Void Fist (All and Nothing)
3 Fight On (The Ebb and Flow)

Nick Downing's Top 8 Crane Deck
KK Atlanta
By: BlitzMonkey

Kyūden Kakita (Masters of the Court)
Seeker of Void
Magistrate Station (Elements Unbound)
Midnight Revels (Children of the Empire)
Pilgrimage (Core)
Shameful Display (Core)
Upholding Authority (Tainted Lands)

Character (31)
3 Doji Whisperer (Core)
3 Brash Samurai (Core)
2 Daidoji Nerishma (Core)
3 Miya Mystic (Core)
3 Doji Challenger (Core)
3 Kakita Kaezin (Core)
2 Kakita Ryoku (Warriors of the Wind)
1 Kakita Yuri (Masters of the Court)
2 Asahina Takamori (Masters of the Court)
3 Kakita Toshimoko (Children of the Empire)
3 Daidoji Uji (Masters of the Court)
1 Doji Hotaru (Core)
2 Kakita Yoshi (Into the Forbidden City)

Holding (9)
3 Favorable Ground (Core)
2 Imperial Storehouse (Core)
3 Kakita Dōjō (Children of the Empire)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)

Conflict (40)
Attachment (10)
1 Daimyō’s Gunbai (Masters of the Court)
3 Fine Katana (Core)
2 Ornate Fan (Core)
1 Above Question (Core)
3 Duelist Training (Core)

Character (6)
1 Ancient Master (Breath of the Kami)
1 Tattooed Wanderer (Core)
2 Doji Fumiki (Underhand of the Emperor)
2 Political Rival (Core)

Event (24)
1 Assassination (Core)
3 Banzai! (Core)
3 For Shame! (Core)
2 Gossip (Masters of the Court)
3 Let Go (Core)
3 Policy Debate (For Honor and Glory)
1 Storied Defeat (Children of the Empire)
3 Voice of Honor (Core)
3 Way of the Crane (Core)
1 Noble Sacrifice (Core)
1 The Spear Rushes Forth (Masters of the Court)

Nick Mason's Top 8 Crane Deck
Nick M – Atlanta Competition Deck – Meek Informant
By: Daidoji Sumiteru

Kyūden Kakita (Masters of the Court)
Seeker of Void
Entrenched Position (Core)
Magistrate Station (Elements Unbound)
Manicured Garden (Core)
Pilgrimage (Core)
Shameful Display (Core)

Character (30)
3 Doji Whisperer (Core)
3 Brash Samurai (Core)
3 Miya Mystic (Core)
3 Doji Challenger (Core)
3 Kakita Kaezin (Core)
3 Kakita Yuri (Masters of the Court)
3 Guest of Honor (Core)
3 Kakita Toshimoko (Children of the Empire)
3 Daidoji Uji (Masters of the Court)
3 Kakita Yoshi (Into the Forbidden City)

Holding (10)
3 Favorable Ground (Core)
3 Imperial Storehouse (Core)
3 Kakita Dōjō (Children of the Empire)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)

Conflict (40)
Attachment (12)
1 Daimyō’s Gunbai (Masters of the Court)
3 Fine Katana (Core)
2 Formal Invitation (Breath of the Kami)
2 Ornate Fan (Core)
2 Above Question (Core)
2 Duelist Training (Core)

Character (5)
3 Ancient Master (Breath of the Kami)
2 Political Rival (Core)

Event (23)
1 Assassination (Core)
2 Banzai! (Core)
2 Court Games (Core)
2 For Shame! (Core)
3 Gossip (Masters of the Court)
3 Let Go (Core)
1 Storied Defeat (Children of the Empire)
3 Voice of Honor (Core)
3 Way of the Crane (Core)
1 Admit Defeat (Core)
1 Noble Sacrifice (Core)
1 The Spear Rushes Forth (Masters of the Court)

Mark Armitage's Top 8 Scorpion Deck
Kyuden Bayushi
Keeper of Air

Dynasty Deck (40)
Character (33)
3x Bayushi Liar
3x Blackmail Artist
3x Court Novice
2x Favored Niece
3x Fawning Diplomat
3x Keeper Initiate
3x Loyal Challenger
2x Reclusive Zokujin
3x Righteous Magistrate
2x Seppun Truthseeker
3x Shosuro Takao
3x Soshi Illusionist
Holding (7)
2x Favorable Ground
1x Hidden Moon Dōjō
3x Imperial Storehouse
1x The Imperial Palace
Conflict Deck (40)
Event (28)
3x Assassination
3x Backhanded Compliment
2x Calling in Favors
1x Censure
2x Court Games
3x Display of Power ///// ////
3x For Shame!
3x Forged Edict
2x Peasant’s Advice
3x Spies at Court
3x Way of the Scorpion
Attachment (7)
3x Court Mask
2x Mark of Shame
2x Tattered Missive
Character (5)
2x Bayushi Collector
3x Shosuro Sadako

MYChal Edwards' Top Unicorn Decklist
Blue Horde – Atlanta Kotei Hatamoto Deck
By: FanFavorite

Hisu Mori Toride (Elements Unbound)
Keeper of Water
Fertile Fields (Core)
Khan’s Ordu (Warriors of the Wind)
Midnight Revels (Children of the Empire)
Pilgrimage (Core)
Upholding Authority (Tainted Lands)

Character (34)
2 Battle Maiden Recruit (The Fires Within)
2 Child of the Plains (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Moto Youth (Core)
3 Border Rider (Core)
3 Shinjo Trailblazer (Warriors of the Wind)
3 Master of the Swift Waves (The Ebb and Flow)
3 Moto Nergüi (Disciples of the Void)
3 Utaku Tetsuko (Underhand of the Emperor)
3 Iuchi Shahai (All and Nothing)
3 Shinjo Shono (Breath of the Kami)
3 Minami Kaze Regulars (Elements Unbound)
3 Moto Chagatai (Warriors of the Wind)

Holding (6)
3 Shiotome Encampment (Breath of the Kami)
3 Windswept Yurt (Tears of Amaterasu)

Conflict (40)
Attachment (10)
3 Curved Blade (Warriors of the Wind)
3 Fine Katana (Core)
2 Force of the River (The Ebb and Flow)
2 Talisman of the Sun (Meditations on the Ephemeral)

Character (8)
3 Iuchi Wayfinder (Core)
3 Shinjo Ambusher (Children of the Empire)
2 Tattooed Wanderer (Core)

Event (22)
1 Assassination (Core)
3 Banzai! (Core)
3 Captive Audience (Core)
1 Challenge on the Fields (Children of the Empire)
2 Defend Your Honor (Children of the Empire)
3 Let Go (Core)
3 Spoils of War (Warriors of the Wind)
3 Charge! (Core)
3 Cavalry Reserves (Core)

If you have any comments or feedback please post them in the comments section below. Check us out on the Imperial Advisor website, podcast, and YouTube channel for more discussion about the L5R LCG.

6 Replies to “Meta Check – Atlanta Kotei”

  1. It’s worth pointing out that MYChal was actually 4-0 going in to round five and got paired up against Alex in round six, meaning he was extremely unlucky to miss making the cut on tiebreakers. He followed that by going unbeaten in the Elemental Challenge the next day, so it certainly looks like Unicorn are well placed to perform in the new environment.

    1. Congrats on a great finish with Dragon! Many have written us off.
      Any thoughts on how it went? What you would change or do differently?

  2. Really interested in seeing what Phoenix lists are looking like after the RL & errata changes. I’ve been reverting to charge + fushicho package myself, but would love to know what others are doing.

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