Meta Check – Phoenix

Meta Check – Phoenix

The first US Kotei of 2018 was in Phoenix Arizona and had a total of 46 players.

Phoenix had a total of 46 players with a pretty big shift in clans from events pre-restricted list the top presented clans were Phoenix and Unicorn with the two lowest Dragon at 4 and Crab at 2.

Bucking the odds, both Crab qualified. For this tournament the TOs modified the rules slightly taking the top 8 players rather than just the 6 who made the cut 42 points cut.

Obviously both Crab qualified to make a complete mess of my chart.

New event means new Hatamoto.

  • Aneil Seetharam – Dragon
  • Brandon Scott – Phoenix
  • Kris Maclennan – Crab
  • Dan Mui – Lion
  • Luke S – Crane
  • Alexander Leong – Unicorn
  • Nathaniel Tan – Scorpion

The second day elims can be seen here.

At the end of day 2, Jared Wright playing Crab beats Brandon Scott playing Phoenix. As Jared hadn’t already receive Hatamoto this tournament yet he gets added to the list!

Jared's winning Crab deck

Keeper of Water (Core Set)
Shiro Nishiyama (Core Set)

Along the River of Gold (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
Manicured Garden (Core Set)
Meditations on the Tao (Core Set)
Shameful Display (Core Set)
Upholding Authority (Tainted Lands)

3 Hida Guardian (Core Set)
3 Hiruma Skirmisher (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Kaiu Envoy (Core Set)
3 Keeper Initiate (Core Set)
2 Mantis Tenkinja (Elements Unbound)
3 Shrewd Yasuki (Core Set)
3 Vanguard Warrior (Core Set)
3 Borderlands Defender (Core Set)
3 Kaiu Shuichi (Core Set)
3 Miya Satoshi (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
3 Steadfast Witch Hunter (Core Set)
3 Hida Kisada (Core Set)
2 Favorable Ground (Core Set)
3 Iron Mine (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
1 Karada District (Tears of Amaterasu)
2 Kuni Laboratory (All and Nothing)

3 Fine Katana (Core Set)
3 Ornate Fan (Core Set)
3 Cloud the Mind (Core Set)
3 Reprieve (Core Set)
3 Spyglass (Core Set)
2 Talisman of the Sun (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
3 Watch Commander (Core Set)
3 Iuchi Wayfinder (Core Set)
2 Banzai! (Core Set)
3 Court Games (Core Set)
3 Rebuild (Core Set)
3 Fight On (The Ebb and Flow)
3 The Mountain Does Not Fall (Core Set)

Brandon's - 2nd Place Phoenix

Kyūden Isawa (Disciples of the Void)
Seeker of Air (Core Set)

1 Fertile Fields (Core Set)
1 Kuroi Mori (Core Set)
1 Manicured Garden (Core Set)
1 Meditations on the Tao (Core Set)
1 Upholding Authority (Tainted Lands)

3 Ethereal Dreamer (All and Nothing)
1 Naive Student (Core Set)
3 Solemn Scholar (Core Set)
3 Adept of the Waves (Core Set)
3 Asako Tsuki (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
2 Isawa Uona (Breath of the Kami)
3 Miya Mystic (Core Set)
2 Isawa Atsuko (Core Set)
3 Kudaka (Breath of the Kami)
3 Master of Gisei Toshi (Fate Has No Secrets)
3 Prodigy of the Waves (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Isawa Tadaka (Disciples of the Void)
1 Bustling Academy (All and Nothing)
2 Favorable Ground (Core Set)
3 Forgotten Library (Core Set)
1 Kanjo District (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)

3 Embrace the Void (Tears of Amaterasu)
3 Fine Katana (Core Set)
3 Ornate Fan (Core Set)
3 Cloud the Mind (Core Set)
1 Finger of Jade (Tears of Amaterasu)
3 Shrine Maiden (For Honor and Glory)
3 Feral Ningyo (Tainted Lands)
2 Banzai! (Core Set)
1 Censure (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Court Games (Core Set)
3 Let Go (Core Set)
3 Supernatural Storm (Core Set)
3 Against the Waves (Core Set)
3 Clarity of Purpose (Disciples of the Void)
2 Display of Power (Core Set)
1 Consumed by Five Fires (Fate Has No Secrets)

Luke S - Top 4 Crane

Shizuka Toshi
Seeker of Fire

Upholding Authority Earth
Magistrate Station Fire
Meditations on the Tao Fire
Shameful Display Void
Rally to the Cause Water

Dynasty Deck (40)

Character (32)
3x Brash Samurai
3x Callow Delegate
3x Cautious Scout
3x Doji Challenger
3x Doji Hotaru
3x Doji Whisperer
3x Guest of Honor
3x Kakita Asami
2x Kakita Kaezin
3x Kakita Yoshi
3x Miya Mystic

Holding (8)
1x Artisan Academy
3x Favorable Ground
3x Imperial Storehouse
1x The Imperial Palace

Conflict Deck (40)

Event (24)
1x Admit Defeat
2x Assassination
3x Banzai!
2x Censure
3x Court Games
3x For Shame!
3x Let Go ///// /
1x Noble Sacrifice
3x Voice of Honor
3x Way of the Crane

Attachment (6)
3x Fine Katana
3x Ornate Fan

Character (10)
1x Doji Fumiki
2x Menacing Iron Warrior
2x Political Rival
3x Steward of Law
2x Tattooed Wanderer ////

Aneil's - Top 4 Dragon (warning, might be out of date)

Mountain’s Anvil Castle
Seeker of Void

Sacred Sanctuary
Upholding Authority
Restoration of Balance
Shameful Display

3 Doomed Shugenja (Core Set)
3 Togashi Initiate (Core Set)
3 Agasha Swordsmith (Core Set)
3 Miya Mystic (Core Set)
3 Seeker Initiate (Core Set)
3 Kitsuki Investigator (Core Set)
3 Kitsuki Shomon (Underhand of the Emperor)
3 Mirumoto Raitsugu (Core Set)
3 Master Alchemist (The Fires Within)
3 Togashi Mitsu (All and Nothing)
3 Togashi Yokuni (Core Set)
3 Favorable Ground (Core Set)
3 Imperial Storehouse (Core Set)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)

3 Fine Katana (Core Set)
2 Ornate Fan (Core Set)
3 Seal of the Dragon (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
3 Cloud the Mind (Core Set)
3 Finger of Jade (Tears of Amaterasu)
3 Reprieve (Core Set)
3 Ancient Master (Breath of the Kami)
3 Tattooed Wanderer (Core Set)
1 Assassination (Core Set)
2 Banzai! (Core Set)
2 Censure (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Court Games (Core Set)
3 Hurricane Punch (Breath of the Kami)
3 Let Go (Core Set)
3 Void Fist (All and Nothing)

Kris' - Top 8 Crab

Shiro Nishiyama (Core Set)
Keeper of Water (Core Set)

Along the River of Gold (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
Manicured Garden (Core Set)
Meditations on the Tao (Core Set)
Shameful Display (Core Set)
Upholding Authority (Tainted Lands)

3 Kaiu Envoy (Core Set)
3 Keeper Initiate (Core Set)
3 Mantis Tenkinja (Elements Unbound)
3 Shrewd Yasuki (Core Set)
3 Vanguard Warrior (Core Set)
2 Yasuki Oguri (Underhand of the Emperor)
3 Borderlands Defender (Core Set)
3 Kaiu Shuichi (Core Set)
3 Miya Satoshi (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
3 Steadfast Witch Hunter (Core Set)
3 Hida Kisada (Core Set)
3 Iron Mine (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
1 Karada District (Tears of Amaterasu)
1 Kuni Laboratory (All and Nothing)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)

2 Fine Katana (Core Set)
2 Ornate Fan (Core Set)
3 Cloud the Mind (Core Set)
3 Reprieve (Core Set)
3 Spyglass (Core Set)
2 Talisman of the Sun (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
3 Watch Commander (Core Set)
3 Hiruma Skirmisher (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Iuchi Wayfinder (Core Set)
1 Assassination (Core Set)
2 Banzai! (Core Set)
1 Censure (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Court Games (Core Set)
3 Rebuild (Core Set)
3 Fight On (The Ebb and Flow)
3 The Mountain Does Not Fall (Core Set)
1 Way of the Crab (Core Set)
2 Favorable Ground (Core Set)

Dan's - Top 8 Lion

Hisu Mori Toride (Breath of the Kami)
Keeper of Earth (Core Set)

1 Ancestral Lands (Core Set)
1 Appealing to the Fortunes (All and Nothing)
1 Manicured Garden (Core Set)
1 Meditations on the Tao (Core Set)
1 The Art of War (Core Set)

3 Matsu Berserker (Core Set)
3 Tactician’s Apprentice (All and Nothing)
3 Akodo Gunsō (Core Set)
3 Akodo Toshiro (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
1 Deathseeker (Core Set)
3 Keeper Initiate (Core Set)
1 Miya Mystic (Core Set)
3 Kitsu Spiritcaller (Core Set)
3 Lion’s Pride Brawler (Core Set)
1 Honored General (Core Set)
3 Miya Satoshi (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
3 Akodo Toturi (Core Set)
3 Ikoma Ujiaki (For Honor and Glory)
1 Matsu Seventh Legion (Breath of the Kami)
2 Favorable Ground (Core Set)
3 Imperial Storehouse (Core Set)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)

2 Fine Katana (Core Set)
3 Ornate Fan (Core Set)
3 Ikoma Reservist (Tainted Lands)
3 Tattooed Wanderer (Core Set)
2 Goblin Sneak (Tears of Amaterasu)
3 A Legion of One (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
1 Assassination (Core Set)
3 Banzai! (Core Set)
2 Censure (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Court Games (Core Set)
3 Let Go (Core Set)
3 Ready for Battle (Core Set)
1 Sabotage (Tainted Lands)
3 Way of the Lion (Core Set)
3 Charge! (Core Set)
2 Strength in Numbers (Core Set)

If you have any comments or feedback please post them in the comments section below. Check us out on the Imperial Advisor website, podcast, and YouTube channel for more discussion about the L5R LCG.

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