Meta Check – Seattle
By Bazleebub | | Comments 4 comments

Grand Kotei in Seattle with the new restricted listed and the Crane pack.
Day 1 – Qualifiers
The event is currently being tracked unofficially on Lotus Pavilion. There are a total of 76 players.

At the end of the 6 rounds, 9 players made the required 5-1 or better with an additional 7 players getting added to round out the bracket to top 16.
- Aneil Seetharam – Crab Hatamoto
- Mykael Dolph – Phoenix Hatamoto
- Kevin Ho – Scorpion Hatamoto
- Travis McDaniel – Phoenix
- Anthony Hunter Edwards – Dragon Hatamoto
- Luiz Bretas – Scorpion
- JARED Wright – Crab
- Augustine Shim – Crane Hatamoto
- Jeremey Campshure – Crane
- Erick Leong – Crane
- John Carico – Unicorn – Hatamoto
- EVAN Gibbs – Phoenix
- Daniel Trujillo – Crane
- Aric Logsdon – Lion Hatamoto
- Daniel
Dertoni – Dragon - John Nightingale – Phoenix

Day 2 – Top Cut
Bracket will be up here.

The final winner was Kevin Ho playing Scorpion.
City of the Open Hand
Keeper of Air
Secret Cache Air
Upholding Authority Earth
Meditations on the Tao Fire
Shameful Display Void
Rally to the Cause Water
Dynasty Deck (40)
Character (30)
3x Alibi Artist
3x Bayushi Liar
3x Bayushi Manipulator
3x Blackmail Artist
3x Favored Niece
3x Fawning Diplomat
3x Keeper Initiate
3x Miya Mystic
3x Sinister Soshi
3x Soshi Illusionist
Holding (10)
2x City of Lies
3x Favorable Ground
1x Hidden Moon Dōjō
3x Imperial Storehouse
1x The Imperial Palace
Conflict Deck (40)
Event (30)
3x A Fate Worse Than Death
3x Assassination
3x Backhanded Compliment
2x Banzai!
3x Calling in Favors
3x Court Games
1x Duty
2x For Shame!
1x Gossip ///
1x Mono no Aware
1x Noble Sacrifice //
2x Soul Beyond Reproach ////
2x Voice of Honor ////
3x Way of the Scorpion
Attachment (3)
3x Mark of Shame
Character (7)
2x Bayushi Kachiko
3x Cunning Magistrate
2x Goblin Sneak
Seattle Grand Kotei 2019 2nd and 3rd Place
By: MindsDesire
Shiro Nishiyama (Core)
Keeper of Water
Along the River of Gold (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
Defend the Wall (Core)
Illustrious Forge (Children of the Empire)
Manicured Garden (Core)
Shameful Display (Core)
Character (31)
3 Kaiu Envoy (Core)
3 Keeper Initiate (Core)
3 Mantis Tenkinja (Elements Unbound)
3 Shrewd Yasuki (Core)
3 Vanguard Warrior (Core)
3 Borderlands Defender (Core)
3 Kaiu Shuichi (Core)
3 Miya Satoshi (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
3 Steadfast Witch Hunter (Core)
1 Akodo Toturi (Children of the Empire)
3 Hida Kisada (Core)
Holding (9)
3 Favorable Ground (Core)
3 Iron Mine (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
1 Karada District (Tears of Amaterasu)
1 Kuni Laboratory (All and Nothing)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
Conflict (40)
Attachment (18)
2 Fine Katana (Core)
3 Cloud the Mind (Core)
3 Reprieve (Core)
3 Spyglass (Core)
2 Talisman of the Sun (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
3 Watch Commander (Core)
2 Jade Tetsubō (Core)
Character (5)
2 Hiruma Skirmisher (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Iuchi Wayfinder (Core)
Event (17)
2 Banzai! (Core)
1 Censure (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Court Games (Core)
3 Defend Your Honor (Children of the Empire)
3 Rebuild (Core)
3 Fight On (The Ebb and Flow)
2 The Mountain Does Not Fall (Core)
Top 4 Seattle Grand Kotei 2019
By: EvanEGibbs
Kyūden Isawa (Disciples of the Void)
Seeker of Void
Kuroi Mori (Core)
Manicured Garden (Core)
Meditations on the Tao (Core)
Shameful Display (Core)
Upholding Authority (Tainted Lands)
Character (29)
3 Ethereal Dreamer (All and Nothing)
2 Naive Student (Core)
3 Solemn Scholar (Core)
1 Asako Tsuki (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
3 Miya Mystic (Core)
3 Shiba Yōjimbō (Core)
2 Isawa Atsuko (Core)
3 Isawa Ujina (Children of the Empire)
3 Kudaka (Breath of the Kami)
3 Master of Gisei Toshi (Fate Has No Secrets)
3 Isawa Tadaka (Disciples of the Void)
Holding (11)
3 Favorable Ground (Core)
3 Forgotten Library (Core)
3 Imperial Storehouse (Core)
1 Kanjo District (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
Conflict (40)
Attachment (7)
2 Fine Katana (Core)
2 Ornate Fan (Core)
3 Cloud the Mind (Core)
Character (6)
3 Ancient Master (Breath of the Kami)
3 Shrine Maiden (For Honor and Glory)
Event (27)
3 Banzai! (Core)
3 Censure (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Court Games (Core)
3 Let Go (Core)
3 Supernatural Storm (Core)
2 The Path of Man (Disciples of the Void)
3 Against the Waves (Core)
3 Clarity of Purpose (Disciples of the Void)
3 Display of Power (Core)
1 Consumed by Five Fires (Fate Has No Secrets)
Seattle Top 8 – Travis M.
By: I Fight Dragons
Kyūden Isawa (Disciples of the Void)
Seeker of Void
Kuroi Mori (Core)
Manicured Garden (Core)
Meditations on the Tao (Core)
Shameful Display (Core)
Upholding Authority (Tainted Lands)
Character (29)
3 Ethereal Dreamer (All and Nothing)
3 Solemn Scholar (Core)
3 Adept of the Waves (Core)
1 Asako Tsuki (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
3 Miya Mystic (Core)
3 Shiba Yōjimbō (Core)
1 Isawa Atsuko (Core)
3 Isawa Ujina (Children of the Empire)
3 Master of Gisei Toshi (Fate Has No Secrets)
3 Prodigy of the Waves (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Isawa Tadaka (Disciples of the Void)
Holding (11)
3 Favorable Ground (Core)
3 Forgotten Library (Core)
3 Imperial Storehouse (Core)
1 Kanjo District (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
Conflict (40)
Attachment (8)
3 Fine Katana (Core)
2 Ornate Fan (Core)
3 Cloud the Mind (Core)
Character (6)
3 Ancient Master (Breath of the Kami)
3 Shrine Maiden (For Honor and Glory)
Event (26)
3 Banzai! (Core)
3 Censure (Into the Forbidden City)
3 Court Games (Core)
3 Let Go (Core)
3 Supernatural Storm (Core)
2 The Path of Man (Disciples of the Void)
3 Against the Waves (Core)
3 Clarity of Purpose (Disciples of the Void)
3 Display of Power (Core)
By: loggy4
Yōjin no Shiro (Core)
Keeper of Earth
Before the Throne (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
Meditations on the Tao (Core)
Shameful Display (Core)
The Art of War (Core)
Upholding Authority (Tainted Lands)
Character (36)
3 Ikoma Prodigy (Core)
3 Matsu Berserker (Core)
3 Keeper Initiate (Core)
3 Akodo Makoto (Masters of the Court)
3 Ikoma Ikehata (The Fires Within)
3 Kitsu Spiritcaller (Core)
3 Lion’s Pride Brawler (Core)
3 Righteous Magistrate (Children of the Empire)
3 Kudaka (Breath of the Kami)
3 Matsu Tsuko (Children of the Empire)
3 Akodo Toturi (Core)
3 Ikoma Ujiaki (For Honor and Glory)
Holding (4)
3 Favorable Ground (Core)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
Conflict (40)
Attachment (12)
1 Daimyō’s Gunbai (Masters of the Court)
3 Ornate Fan (Core)
1 Heroic Resolve (The Ebb and Flow)
3 Invocation of Ash (The Fires Within)
2 Talisman of the Sun (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
2 True Strike Kenjutsu (Children of the Empire)
Character (3)
3 Goblin Sneak (Tears of Amaterasu)
Event (25)
3 A Legion of One (Meditations on the Ephemeral)
3 Banzai! (Core)
2 Court Games (Core)
3 Defend Your Honor (Children of the Empire)
3 For Shame! (Core)
3 Hand to Hand (Children of the Empire)
3 Policy Debate (For Honor and Glory)
2 Ready for Battle (Core)
3 Way of the Lion (Core)
By: Leniel
Kyūden Kakita (Masters of the Court)
Seeker of Void
Magistrate Station (Elements Unbound)
Pilgrimage (Core)
Rally to the Cause (Core)
Shameful Display (Core)
Upholding Authority (Tainted Lands)
Character (30)
3 Brash Samurai (Core)
3 Daidoji Nerishma (Core)
3 Miya Mystic (Core)
3 Doji Challenger (Core)
3 Kakita Kaezin (Core)
3 Kakita Ryoku (Warriors of the Wind)
3 Asahina Takamori (Masters of the Court)
3 Kakita Toshimoko (Children of the Empire)
3 Daidoji Uji (Masters of the Court)
3 Kakita Yoshi (Into the Forbidden City)
Holding (10)
3 Favorable Ground (Core)
2 Imperial Storehouse (Core)
3 Kakita Dōjō (Children of the Empire)
1 Miya Library (Children of the Empire)
1 The Imperial Palace (The Chrysanthemum Throne)
Conflict (41)
Attachment (15)
1 Daimyō’s Gunbai (Masters of the Court)
3 Fine Katana (Core)
1 Formal Invitation (Breath of the Kami)
3 Ornate Fan (Core)
3 Duelist Training (Core)
3 Finger of Jade (Tears of Amaterasu)
1 Mirumoto Daishō (Children of the Empire)
Character (5)
3 Ancient Master (Breath of the Kami)
2 Political Rival (Core)
Event (21)
2 Banzai! (Core)
1 Censure (Into the Forbidden City)
2 Court Games (Core)
2 Gossip (Masters of the Court)
2 Let Go (Core)
3 Policy Debate (For Honor and Glory)
2 Storied Defeat (Children of the Empire)
3 Voice of Honor (Core)
3 Way of the Crane (Core)
1 Noble Sacrifice (Core)
If you have any comments or feedback please post them in the comments section below. Check us out on the Imperial Advisor website, podcast, and YouTube channel for more discussion about the L5R LCG.
4 Replies to “Meta Check – Seattle”
I’ll be there! It’s my first big event since the Kotei last year? I don’t even remember. The player cap is set at 125 people and hopefully we have more than that.
Currently 76
Aric Logsdon’s deck