Meta Check – Birmingham

Once again, we have some of the Imperial Advisor team helping out with the L5R Grand Kotei in Birmingham.
…Once again, we have some of the Imperial Advisor team helping out with the L5R Grand Kotei in Birmingham.
…This weekend is the first Greek Kotei. The players in Greece have been an important feature of the European player base for over 20 years and have a well-earned reputation for creativity and innovation.
…This weekend we have the Denver Kotei. This has the Unicorn pack legal but not yet the Crane pack. It will also be right before the upcoming changes to the restricted list.
…At last we have the Unicorn pack! Players have been looking forward to this since the start of the game when Unicorn were found to be weak. Since then, Unicorn have received significant boosts and now the question is whether this clan pack will push them to top tier!