Meta Check – Good Omen #2

The Spanish players continue their regular events with this 21 player tournament using pack 3. This is our first look at the environment in action, and Lost Papers are everywhere!
…The Spanish players continue their regular events with this 21 player tournament using pack 3. This is our first look at the environment in action, and Lost Papers are everywhere!
…This weekend is the second of the LL Online tournaments. Although this is organised by the London Legion team, everyone is welcome. The first one 2 weeks ago came as some pretty short notice, but Finbarr (Steelfur) has been getting the word out and this weekends one looks like it’s going to be a great event.
…The Grand Championship at the Het Lab is the first European tournament of the year and makes for a nice comparison to the US events in this new meta.
…As one of the first events of each season the Texas Kotei, historically this event has been pretty influential. This year, it had 30 players and ended in a Jade Throne final.
…Over the last few months we’ve had a massive shakeup in the environment, with lots of new cards coming, roles being opened, and a new banned and restricted list.
…With 90 players, the Spanish Grand Championship was unsurprisingly the biggest so far. Although the new restricted list came out the week before, it wasn’t in effect for this particular event.
…One of the best ways to build a tournament winning deck is to see what the top players are playing. But what do you do when your faction is weak, and the players winning tournaments are busy playing other factions. This is the situation Dragon find themselves ahead of Winter Court.
…The Australian Kotei is under way and at 41 players it is the largest L5R event across 5 continents!
…Gencon this year has a Grand Kotei and a bundle of reveals! So in addition to the event, we’re going to add any of the L5R news we hear from the event up on this page also.